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The day had come.

The day where a new career path is open for the taking. Where years of time, dedication and skill can finally be used for something bigger than I ever could've imagined. It was time.

Although I've practically already been recruited I want to ensure it's for real. Only way to guarantee my position as St Kilda's club photographer is to go to this meeting and find out.

It's a Wednesday today so Max and Bytes don't have any training. They've already insisted that they come along but I shot them down. I want to go by myself and see what happens.

The meeting is in one hour and now it's time to prepare.

I walk into my bathroom with clean casual clothes hanging from my arm. I place them on the vanity before then throwing my dirty clothes into the laundry basket and turning the shower on.

I step under the stream, warm water rolling down my back in relaxing waves. My brunette hair is slicked back from the water. I rub in shampoo and conditioner then scrub myself with soap and let it wash away into the drain at my feet. I turn off the shower and hop out.

I spend a few minutes getting dressed, drying my hair completely and putting on some low key makeup. I nod in satisfaction at my appearance before leaving the bathroom, grabbing my keys and heading downstairs.

The two boys of the house are already waiting by the door for my departure. They look very impatient but excited for me as well. Their eyes light up when they spot me. Bytes runs up first.

"You'll do great," he says with an encouraging smile whilst both his hands rest on my shoulders. "It'll be so good to see and annoy you all the time."

"I don't think that's necessarily a good thing. But who's to say I won't annoy you more." I wink.

I don't get another word in before Bytes smothers me in an embrace. It lasts a few seconds before the young Jack is peeled from me by my needy brother.

"Have you ever heard of waiting your turn?" I mock, rolling my eyes at him.

"Well Gigs was taking too long," he claims although I know he was just getting impatient to give me affection. Soft. He doesn't waste another moment before hugging me tightly.

"I love you sis. Good luck, not that you really need it though," Max says and kisses the top of my head.

"Love you too, Dumber." I just stay there and hug him, not quite wanting to let go for some reason. Maybe it's to express how grateful I am for him and this new opportunity he's given me. Without him I wouldn't know what to do.

We break apart with soft grins pulling at our lips.

"I'll see you idiots later," I chuckle. "I'll contact you afterwards and tell you what happens."

"You better," Bytes says in a jokingly stern tone, pointing in my direction to justify his point. I once again roll my eyes.

"Yeah yeah, I will." I walk towards the door, shoving the boys' shoulders playfully so I can get past. I throw them a smirk. "Don't burn the house down and don't use my stuff."

The front door clicks shut and I walk down the driveway. My poor car sits on the curb because the boys' shitty boxes on wheels take up the whole garage. So disrespectful.

I hop in my car, put the keys in the ignition and begin driving. The journey to RSEA Park is only 15 minutes away which is pretty convenient.

When I arrive at RSEA Park all I have to say is it's beautiful. I've been here maybe once or twice but I don't think I've ever appreciated the clean architecture of the place. Luckily there's not many people here today because I probably would've been ran over as I admire the facility.

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