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11:35am. July 3rd, 2020.

Currently I sit on my bedroom floor staring at the empty suitcase in front of me.

Where do I start?

There are so many things I need to bring but I don't know where to begin. The club sent in a list to help assist with packing but as of right now it's doing me no good. I just stare mindlessly. 

In my head I'm thinking about what exactly I want to bring but I just don't act upon it. It's not good procrastinating when I'm leaving for the airport in 15 hours. I need to be productive and not just sit here and do nothing.

After a minute or so I finally get off my ass and get to work. I grab the clothes I need and stack them on my bed. I gather up all my camera gear and spread it across my desk. I collect the toiletries I'll need but leave out the ones I'll still have to use before we leave. I keep preparing and preparing.


It takes me an hour and a half before I'm satisfied with everything I've got out. All that needs to be done is to pack it away properly and then it's complete. I've decided that I'll leave it until later though and instead go lie on the couch.

Max and Bytes are no where to be seen when I come downstairs. Obviously they're taking responsibility for once. I should throw a party just for that honestly. But I swear to god if they make a mess in the hub I'm going to murder them on site no matter if the team needs them or not. It's just how it'll be.


The rest of the day was spent watching TV and doing minor preparations for the hub.

We had dinner for the last time here. It wasn't the last time ever, of course not, but it still feels weird that we'll be away for a month. We won't have to cook or buy our own food in that time as it'll all be offered to us.

I haven't quite wrapped my head around this happening. This time tomorrow morning we'll be on a plane bound for Brisbane. Who would've thought?

It's a slow going night. I decide to call it a day and head to my room after awhile.


I fall asleep for the final time before we depart for Noosa.

2:45am. July 4th, 2020.

"I dont think this is a good idea," I hear quiet yet not so quiet whispering.

"Come on, Gigs," another voice encourages. Max.

"Do you not remember last time you woke her up?! You almost lost the ability to have kids, man," Bytes hisses lowly. He feels the pain.

"I'd never let that happen again, trust me. It was just a lucky kick last time anyway. Come on, Gigs." The audacity of this kid.

"Nope. I'm not getting involved. I want to have kids one day. You're all on your own." Smart move, Bytes. Very smart.

My brother grunts to express his disapproval. I hear him move towards me but no way will I let him do anything stupid.

"Max King, if you touch me I will actually castrate you," I growl into my pillow. "That's a promise."

"Never mind," he says aloud. "Morning, Mads," his voice goes innocent, acting as if he wasn't about to scare me awake.

"Go away, Dumber," I groan.

"You have to get up whether you like it or not. We leave for Marvel and then the airport in 20 minutes." I groan louder into the pillow. I hear both the boys chuckle and in return I flip them off. They gasp in fake shock.

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