thirty nine

439 17 28

The boys are up and about, sculling the beers in their hands and smiling with their hearts on their sleeves. Everyone's eyes shine with joy despite our loss against Melbourne. We're all happy to have a break because of the bye after so much change and unpredictability rocking this season so far.

What increases the already good mood is that a lot of the players get to see their kids and partners tomorrow as well. No one isn't enjoying the night and no one is without some kind of beverage within arms reach, including myself.

The lights twinkle above, further illuminating the smiles etched into everyone's faces. It's a great night and one we needed at that. To let loose—responsibly of course.

The laughs reverberate around the main dining area of the Noosa resort, signifying a release from the stressful reality. It's a beautiful and honest sound which truly shows the happiness that grips everyone in a welcoming way. The euphoria is contagious within the entire group. Everyone needs this.

Bytes comes up from behind me, slapping my upper back in elation before resting his arm on my shoulder. He has the absolute biggest smile on his face. It's so sweet and I can't help but smile with him. His joy is mine.

The players, staff and coaches mingle, speaking in their little groups as they take causal and unbothered sips of their drinks. Butts is laughing at something Gears said, Max is speaking with Ratts and Jack is lurking around the food table probably looking for some cheese.

Looking at how lighthearted everyone is causes an idea to pop up in my head.

"I have an idea," I announce to Bytes, peering up at him with excited eyes.

"That definitely isn't a good thing," he responds with a chuckle, eyebrow rising with mild hesitation. "It never is a good thing."

"Oh Bytes. Trust me, you'll like this one. I need some muscles to pull it all together though." I wink and disregard my drink on a nearby counter.

I take hold of his arm and pull him along without another word. He doesn't resist and I direct him out of the room and away from everyone. I lead him to a different part of the resort and find exactly what I need.

Bytes happily complies when I hand him the bulk of the stuff and I take the lighter equipment before he walks and I hobble with my stupid boot back towards the noise. We enter the room again where no ones seems to have even noticed our absence. Good.

"Alright boys!" I announce loudly, catching everyone's attention. I raise the microphone in my hand and Bytes lifts the speakers up. "It's time for some karaoke!"

There's very minimal disapproval. In fact some of the boys are all for it, especially Hilly and Hanners who argue which of them should go first.

"Being the host means I get the privilege of choosing who goes so I decide that Hilly and Hanners are to go together." They automatically begin to protest against my decision. "Nah-ah, no arguing with the host or you shall not participate." They shut up after that.

The resort's technical guys help set up the mics and speakers on the stage, plugging them into multiple outputs in the walls. They even set up some low key neon lights that are strung around the stage. Everyone in the room takes a seat and prepares for the start. Hilly, Hanners and I step onto the raised platform. I have to lean my weight onto my right leg.

"Alright fellas," I say into the mic on the stand, my arms around Hilly and Hanners' shoulders. "I'll start you off with a banger. Oh, and don't mind if I join in." I wink, handing the boys their own microphones and hobbling to the side. Stupid boot.

I locate the song on my phone before pressing play.

The music begins to sound from the speakers and instantly everyone in the room knows exactly what is it. I mean who couldn't know "Livin' on a Prayer" by Bon Jovi?

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