twenty one

521 18 168

I wouldn't have called it strenuous, no, but that doesn't mean it was entirely easy cleaning the whole dining area from speckles of multi-coloured confetti.

The streamers had littered the carpet and tiles. Some laid on top of each other whilst others landed in peculiar places, such as on the fans or in Max's hair — not that that should be unusual considering he was at the centre of fire.

A vacuum cleaner could've been relied on but for some reason we resorted to picking each and ever piece by hand.

All in all it took about an hour. We also had to pop the colony of balloons: stepping on them — or jumping as courtesy of Lones — along with bursting the air-filled plastic with a pin got the job done.

Upon completion, Max and I leave for the Gold Coast.

My brother places Ben's gift, secured by cardboard and bubble wrap, in the back of the rental. I plonk onto the passenger seat, placing a joint present for both the twins by my ankle. Max hops in, sparking the engine to life and beginning our two and a half hour drive.

The journey goes rather slow for my liking, not to mention it's kind of boring. That's why I'm glad to be pulled from my bored haziness by Max's phone buzzing in the cup holder. I pick it up without a moment's hesitation, my attention finally drawn away from the greenery whipping by.

"Ben is calling you," I tell him casually. His phone vibrates in my hand.

"Don't answer it," he responds, the words slipping from his lips in a rushed way.

"Probably best considering you'd open your big gob and reveal to him what we're doing," I snicker, ignoring the green phone icon and my own temptation to press it.

"You see, I won't disagree with you there," my brother says honestly, a shrug lifting his shoulders. "Have you texted him wishing happy birthday at all?" His brown eyes flick to me for a moment before focusing back on the road.

"Nope. He probably thinks I've forgotten," I chuckle to myself. Knowing Ben he would've definitely thought that, even more so that his birthday commenced over 12 hours ago. "I want to tell him in person, not over text." Max nods at my answer in understanding.

After another very boring hour, we arrive at our desired destination. Max parks the car on the curb a walkable distance away so absolutely no suspicion arises.

Ben's residence is a modern two-story house in the Gold Coast suburbs. The hedges are neatly trimmed, the front yard rather well maintained — not sure if I'll be able to say the same for the inside though.

I've only been here once before during Ben's debut week; it was clean then. His place is really nice and homey, I will say that.

Max knocks a few times and not long after Noah Anderson appears. He sends us a welcoming smile and of course we return it freely.

"Easy drive?" He asks in friendliness.

"It was quite a distance but it'll be so worth it," Max replies with truth. "Thank you for letting us do this."

"No problems, man. I know Ben will be stoked to see his siblings after so long. He always talks about you two, there's rarely a day he doesn't."

"Awww," I can't help but express. Noah laughs lightly.

"He'll be here in 15. Get yourself settled and I'll leave you to it."

Noah lets us into the house, not needing to say much as we've both been here before. I know the layout enough not to get lost, don't know if I can say the same about Max thought.

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