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Liked by @jackbytel, @maxrking and 489 othersyou're just a 🤏🏼 taller

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Liked by @jackbytel, @maxrking and 489 others
you're just a 🤏🏼 taller. I'm still the boss though @maxrking

Arm rest
          - @madelyn.king punching bag

Should've used the stepping stool I offered you
          - @madelyn.king I dare you to say
that one more time. Let's what
          - @jackbytel 😳

          - @madelyn.king 🦒

March 2019

Who knew that the oldest twin would be bestowed the number 12 by none other than one of the AFL greats, Nick Riewoldt.

Having grown up with Max I knew that he loved Rooey. Rooey was, and still is, Max's favourite player and one that he's always looked up to. It's like a dream come true to not only play for St Kilda but to be given the number of your biggest idol. Who would've thought that would happen?

I've had the honour of watching Max's growth to this point. I've watched him struggle and I've watched him break windows with a footy many times. All is in the journey, I guess. But right now seeing him reach his goal, and more, is very gratifying. As a sister I'm unbelievably proud. It's hard to find the words to truly express how much so.

I had cut short my NT photography trip just for my brother. St Kilda had invited family members for the jumper presentation and no way on earth was I going to miss it. I've followed his journey all the way through and I have no plans on stopping.

The jumper presentation is being held somewhere in the city so Mum, Dad and I are on our way there now. Max most likely took his car with Bytes to the function.

Dumber was already presented his guernsey by Rooey but this is a club event and they give all the players their respective or new numbers.

I dress relatively formal with my hair rolling down my shoulders in light waves. Lowkey makeup is applied. I've at least got to try look good for this event.

When we arrive there are few people lingering outside but as soon as we walk inside there are players, parents and staff alike. Waiters wander the room with glasses of champagne standing upright on metal plates. People mingle with one another, locked in friendly and casual conversation. I recognise some faces but not many.

Mum and Dad walk ahead towards people they know whilst I remain stationary, scanning for my brother or Bytes. I have no luck despite Max being the height of the Empire State Building.

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