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Madelyn's POV.

It's been building up for two years. It's been spoken about ever since the 2018 draft. It was put off last year due to injury. This is the showdown.

Twin vs twin.

King vs King.

A battle for the throne. A game for the crown. It all comes down to this.

Max and Ben have always been excited to play against one another but it'll also be their first time on opposing sides. There's a mixture of anticipation and nervousness between the two twins and it's warranted. Growing up they played alongside each other but never, if rarely, that they pitted against one another.

I'm at odds because I don't know which side to pick. How could I choose? My brothers have been breathing down my neck to get an answer but I don't think I can make a decision. No matter what I decide my head would be bitten off by one of the twins. I'll just be a neutral supporter.

The Saints recently came off a 53 point win against the Swans whilst the Suns are coming off a 26 point loss to the Giants. We're favourites for this match but the Suns could come out firing. It's anyone's game at the end of the day.

"So who you siding with?" Jack asks, taking a sip of him coffee with an eyebrow raised.

It's become routine that him and I have breakfast most mornings together. We sit across from one another and just chat about random topics to waste time. The outside tables are our spot unless it's looking rather dreary.

"I can't choose," I groan, slumping against the back of the chair. "How could I?"

"So you can't even choose which team you're going to go for?"


"Oh come on, at least go for the Saints. If not for Max then do it for me," Jack hints at cheekily and winks. I snort and place down my empty paper cup on the plastic table.

"No. She's doing to do it for me." Max suddenly appears and wraps his arm over my shoulders. He squishes me into his side. "I am her brother after all. You're just... you."

"If I'm not me then what am I?" Jack asks inquisitively, eyebrows furrowed.

"A pig," Max states like it's obvious.

"And you're a giraffe. Oh goodie! We have a zoo," I chuckle.

Max then resorts to forcing his affection onto me so I get annoyed. His goal is reached when I try shove him away. He plants a playful kiss on my cheek before running off. I roll my eyes, wiping my cheek with disgust.

Jack sinks into the back of his own seat and just laughs at my scowl.

I just grab his coffee, flip off the lid and empty the contents into the bin beside me. His laughter ceases as quickly as it came when his jaw plummets to the floor.

"You did not just do that." His dumbfound expression is absolutely hilarious. I shrug, smirking.

"Oh I did and I'd do it again," I lean forward with the biggest shit-eating grin. He's still catching flies but then his jaw shuts and I know it's time to run—the ominous smile that has formed on his lips tells me to.

The chair screeches painfully on the floor as I leap out of my seat and scramble away from Jack.

Lesson learnt: never steal Jack's coffee. Haha, puns.

"Max! Bytes! Lones! Help!" I throw my head back and scream, running around in circles to avoid Jack's punishment for pouring out his coffee. His arms reach out and snap together like animal jaws. Many times he almost snags my shirt but I dodge at the last second. He's a persistent one though and keeps going for it despite how slippery I am.

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