fifty two

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Bytes' POV.

Mads spent a lot of the evening with Max, Ben and I before going up to her room, claiming that she was tired. We all knew that that was true—she was mentally drained after getting her heart broken.

The anger and disappointment I feel is pretty extreme.

It's fuelled by the fact that my own teammate, someone I look up to and admire, could hurt the very person who is my sister. Not by blood but very much by heart. This instinctual protectiveness over Mads has driven me into enmity.

I feel a deep loathing and disbelief for Steeley and what he's done.

I just don't understand. I don't understand how he ditched the girl who gave him the world, offering it in the palm of her hand. How could he leave her when she offered him so much? Why would he even want to or even consider doing so?

I'm not oblivious. I most certainly noticed how he waited for her to walk into the dining area each morning. And every time she did there was an automatic smile on his face.

If that's not being in love then I don't know what is.

Why would he leave her then? Why would he make Mads sob so much that she couldn't breathe even though he loved her? It confuses me and leaves questions unanswered. Questions that need to be answered.

She looked so broken when we found her on the beach. Her face lacked colour or joy, her body arched over itself. She was hiccuping, trying to gain control of her breathing. It hurt to see.

Max is absolutely spiteful because he was right not to trust him with his sister. I, a rather, held no hesitation with my teammate getting with the oldest King, if anything I supported it. I guess I make a mistake on that part.

I did, however, threaten to whoop his ass if he hurt her. Might take myself up on my own offer.

Max told me all about the fight between him and Mads, including the part about Taylah.

What bothers me is the fact that Mads didn't even know who Taylah was. She had to ask her brother for that information when it should've come from Steeley. It doesn't sit well with any of us.

There came a point where Ben had had enough of sitting around after his sister went off. He was livid, you could see it in his expression.

The youngest twin scrapes back his chair and leaves without a word, fuming. Max and I quickly follow after him.

We were going to get these questions answered.

Ben appears rightly pissed off. He's usually relaxed and laid back but right now he's extremely pissed off. I thought Max and I were angry but it's nothing compared to this. I can feel the heat radiating off him and he stomps around searching for Steeley.

Max is peeved. Steeley didn't even try prove him wrong. Despite Max getting into his face and telling him he doesn't trust him with his sister, Steeley still went out of his way to prove the oldest twin right: that he couldn't be trusted with one of the people that means the most to the King.

It's like he totally disregarded the words and decided to just prove Max's point for the fun of it.

The three of us scour through practically the entire resort for St Kilda's number 9. The longer the search, the more provoked we all get.

Ben's head whips to the side at one point and he goes tearing down a path we haven't searched yet. This time he's found what he was looking for. We trail after him.

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