thirty three

534 23 284

The boys are training under an overcast sky on the Sunny Coast. It's shocking really considering it's usually clear or it's pouring rain, rarely is it in between.

This week we're facing the Lions after an easy win against the Bombers last week. We've been high and flying minus our 59 point loss to Geelong. That didn't get us down though. We're sitting 5th on the ladder.

I'm walking alongside Jack to the ground with my camera resting against my hip. He offhandedly handballs the sherrin up in the air to himself. The burning temptation to knock it away from him is overbearing, so much so that I give in.

I extend my reach and tap the ball when it comes back down. It diverts away from Jack and mild panic springs into his eyes. He has to work hard to reach for it and then to juggle the footy under control. He gives me a glare once he completely recovers.

"Hey! What was that for?" He exclaims unappreciatively, bumping me in a small form of retaliation. I smile innocently.

"Sorry Steelo." I shrug. "Accident." He rolls his eyes as if to say 'unbelievable'.

"Sure it was." He throws the footy on purpose and it bounces off my arm. I glare at him with hardened eyes. "Sorry Madelyn. Accident." He holds a smug look, his lip slanted upward in a smirk.

"So you wanna play that game huh?" I shove into his side forcefully and he stumbles over his own feet. He quickly straightens up before staring at me with his mouth agape. I contain my cackle and instead smirk with superiority, flipping my hair and then walking away. The players nearby watch the two of us with amused smiles.

All of a sudden he bumps into me a lot harder than intended and I go toppling into the grass with a sound of surprise. I roll for a moment before stopping. The boys laugh at my misfortune and the sheepish look on Jack's clean face. He cringes with embarrassment and offers me a hand. I take it begrudgingly and smooth out my hair.

"Well that was rude," I snort out but barely maintain a serious expression. His abashed face is just too sweet.

"Now that was an accident," he insists.

Jack's eyes then lock onto something and he leans over me without so much as a word. On instinct I bow my head but still watch him. His fingers thread through my hair carefully and with consideration before fishing out a lengthy blade of grass. He smiles cutely at me. "You're welcome."

The split moment when his fingers ran through my hair I couldn't help but feel exactly where I should be, with exactly who I should be with.

It was such a gentle gesture, one of care and tenderness. It made my heart melt rather easily.

Jack looks at me with a slight head tilt, trying to figure out what's got me so quiet. Okay, stop it. Stop being so adorable.

I poke him in the chest. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Because you were looking at me like that," he defends with palms up.

"Was not," I counter defensively and try not to chuckle.

"Was to," Jack rebuts with a laugh, leaning towards me ever so slightly.

"Okay you two, that's enough," JB chuckles, intervening. "Save the kiss for somewhere more private."

The surrounding boys give off loud laughs. Jack is shell shocked whilst I send an ice cold glare at JB with such intensity that it could kill. He's really been bold with his actions and comments lately, especially with his last trick when he abandoned me in the middle of the path.

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