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The windowed room is marked in red, white and black. Gym equipment is situated all throughout the place with many guys using it. There's an upstairs where I can see a few blokes on the stationary bikes.

If only Ben were here too.

I could imagine how much he'd love this place, to be with his brother and play alongside him as well. I don't know if he'll ever move back down but I hope he does.

A few of the players sense a new presence that has never been there before. They look at me curiously or with confusion. You can just see all the questions swimming in their heads.

Who am I? What am I doing here? How did I get in here?

I ignore the looks and the silent questions getting thrown my way. Instead I scan my surroundings and the people within them to maybe find someone I recognise. Max and Bytes stick close, offering some moral support.

My eyes dart around the room and it's almost instant when I spot the St Kilda's number 9 laughing along with a group of boys. A brightness I didn't see on Wednesday paints his face as he smiles so genuinely. It's open and so entirely free. It appears liberating for him to be surrounded by his teammates. Interesting.

The group Jack is in suddenly notices my unexpected appearance which causes them all to look in my direction and quiet down. Scary much. I don't cower at all the eyes watching me though.

Jack realises the silence and he turns too. His brown eyes widen, surprise encapsulating his features when our eyes meet. I was obviously the last person he expected to see. He doesn't seem disappointed, just shocked.

Before I say anything to him, or any of the boys for that matter, I perceive a small blond at the other side of the gym. My interest is immediately spiked.

"Is that Lones—oh my god, it is! Lones!" I call out excitedly. The little guy's head pops up upon hearing his name. He examines the room to find the source until his vision lands on me. His jaw drops before then forming into a exuberant smile.

"Mads!" He cries out, running towards me now. We meet in the middle, colliding in a hug.

"How's my partner in crime been over this past year?" I clap his shoulder enthusiastically, backing away from the embrace and smiling widely. He looks just as happy to see me than I am seeing him.

"I've been great! Been a harsh preseason but I'm so ready for season 2020. What've you been up to?"

"Well I finished my travels around Australia and moved in with the boofheads over there." I point to Max and Bytes. I'm heavily aware a lot of people are watching my interaction with Lones right now. I don't care. "It's good to be home."

"It would be!" Lones says. "It's good to be back with you, partner."

"Same goes, partner." We laugh.

A taller blond appears and I know exactly who it is.

"Blondie! You missed me?" I ask him avidly, clapping his shoulder like I did with Lones.

"I sure have, kiddo," Sebastian grins. "You the new photographer they mentioned?"

"Yep! Looks like you're stuck with me." I hear a few murmurs from the players in the room. It's probably best I actually introduce myself now.

With the help of Max, Bytes, Lones and Blondie, I'm able to gather all the boys. I stand at the front of the gym like a teacher whilst the students and St Kilda staff wait for my words.

I recognise some faces in the audience that I spotted at the jumper presentation last year. I never spoke with them but obviously saw them when they received their guernsey.

Fortuitous || Jack Steele [1]Where stories live. Discover now