sixty nine

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The next morning I luckily woke up but not from falling off the bed. Instead I woke up to the absolute cutest thing.

When I opened my eyes I was greeted with a mop of brown hair against my cheek. The sleep cleared and I realised I was lying on my back, my right cheek resting against Jack's hair like a pillow. My boyfriend's face was smooshed into my shoulder, hidden from the morning light as he soundlessly slept on his stomach. His right arm was draped over my chest and one of his legs was atop my own, trapping me there in a way so I wouldn't leave him. Awww.

I remained that way for whoever knows how long, using my fingers as a brush to comb through his perfectly maintained hair like I did the other day. The warmth of his body against mine gave me a sense of peace. A separation from the bustling world around us which, in all honesty, is at a standstill with the whole COVID ordeal.

Eventually, and much to my dismay, I had to get up to prepare breakfast and go to the bathroom. I had to pry Jack's steal grip from my body and gently reposition him so he wouldn't wake. Haha, puns. And he says he's not clingy.

I had escaped from his grasp and cooked us up some nice breakfast. I was honestly surprised, that Bytes, Ben and Max allowed me to stay another night, not that I would've complied if they wanted me home. They can go drink pool water. I want to spend time with my boyfriend.

It's safe to say that Jack was practically drooling over breakfast when he appeared from upstairs, his hair tousled and all over the joint. I walked up to him with a breathy chuckle, combed his hair with my fingers and fixed it; he closed his eyes and released a contented sigh. He kissed my forehead in thanks.

Almost the whole day has come and gone, the sun now starting to set with an increasing orange glow.

Jack and I had decided to workout together at this time after spending the day relaxing indoors. It was a rather hot day so we hoped it'd be a little cooler later on, which it is.

I luckily wear sports bras daily so it doesn't matter that I didn't pack one. I throw on some black airy shorts to match before heading to the garage where Jack will be.

The door is rolled up to the roof, giving a clear view of the driveway and welcoming neighbourhood. Music is already playing lowly on the large black speaker in the corner.

I grin at Jack who has just finished laying out the 'gym' after pushing the stationary bike against the wall. He wears no shirt which is definitely not a surprise. He turns around upon hearing my approach and immediately an adoring smile creeps onto his lips.

"You're beautiful," he says as soon as his eyes land on me.

There are sudden and bizarre moments where I don't hit back with a funny comment but instead dip my head with a blush, embarrassed. This is one of those moments.

"Aww Maddy, you're not so bulletproof, are you?" He teases shamelessly, coming up to me. "You're blushing. It's cute."

I half-heartedly roll my eyes at him, finally snapping somewhat from the shyness in my veins. Without a response I just shove him with my hand and meander to the exercise mat.

"She has nothing to say for once. Shocking," Jack says cheekily, refusing to hold back on the teasing. He's gone rather bold again.

I give him another eye roll. "My silence is temporary, don't get too excited." He laughs—which is such a beautiful sound in my ears—and picks up some boxing gloves and pads from the slabbed concrete floor. I glance at him with an eyebrow raised.

"Box with me?"

"I just broke a leg, you sure I want a broken face too?" I ask, looking at him somewhat seriously.

Fortuitous || Jack Steele [1]Where stories live. Discover now