forty one

445 21 295

Steeley's POV.

Last night I was blown away.

Madelyn's voice produced a beautiful yet chilling melody. It was natural and unforced yet within her voice there was so much power. So much emotion expressed through a tune leaving her lips.

I was struck by lightning as soon as she hit that first high note. I found it hard to breathe for a moment, like the world lost oxygen for a mere few seconds. I was engrossed in her and her voice. I was absorbed in how she closed her eyes and smiled as she sang the lyrics with meaning. It's as if every word to her truly meant something, that it truly expressed how she felt. She opened up the longer she went on and didn't hold back. She let her words flow like a river.

My heart hammered against my ribcage when she looked at me with a nervous look I've never seen before. I didn't want her to feel that way so I just smiled, trying to ease her mind. It immediately had an effect when she sang to the greatest of her abilities.

I don't know what came over me when I just grabbed her hand. Something told me it was right. Something told me it was okay. Hers was warm and soft in my calloused hand. It fit into mine perfectly as if the connection was meant to be.

Deep down I could see her hesitation to the affection though. It's like she was overwhelmed and didn't know how to react—she was lost and unsure. For a moment I thought I should let go but I didn't. Her hesitation is one I've seen before in myself. I've been lost but not for the same reasons. I wanted to make sure she knew it was okay so I continued holding it until she then grabbed both my hands when the confidence returned. Her eye contact didn't waver from me as she sang and leaned forward to emphasise the lyrics. She was gorgeous—she is gorgeous.

How hadn't I noticed it before? How hadn't I noticed her extraordinary beauty?

Like how her cheeks glow when she smiles or how she stands straighter when she gets mad at someone. Or even how she throws her hair over her shoulders when concentrating on something. It's cute.

Madelyn King has not only managed to unveil who I am really am, she has also managed to evoke feelings I never wanted to feel again, an affection for someone I care about on another level—a level more than friends. It was a level that only Taylah has ever reached.

That outgoing character Madelyn possesses has caught me off guard. I didn't expect to fall for it. I didn't expect to fall for her.

Yet at the same time I'm conflicted.

My feelings for Taylah are still there just less obvious since Madelyn has joined the club. I don't go a day without something reminding me of Taylah, it just hurts way less this time round. I mean I was with Taylah for years, pretty much ever since I got drafted. The time we spent together doesn't just disappear. I don't think it ever fully will.

Taylah was gorgeous and loving. She supported me nonstop and always took care of me after injuries. She loved giving me affection and I loved giving it back. She had that personality that every guy would've wanted.

But so does Madelyn and I can't ignore how she makes me feel.

She makes me feel carefree and never fails to make a smile creep into my expression. She relieves me of the stress of being a footballer. She's a light in the dark room and always brings a sense of joy with her everywhere. It's something that is impossible to brush aside. She knows what to say and what to do. She makes me feel important as with everyone else she talks to.

Headstrong, beautiful and witty—that is Madelyn King... wow.

There's a suddenly loud gasp. Yep, and that's Madelyn too.

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