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Irritating. Aggravating. Infuriating.

That's the words I'd use to describe the deafening screech of my alarm clock as it goes off at 7am on a Monday.

My fist slams down atop of the box and a loud crack, along with the sudden halt of blaring beeps, signifies the end life of the alarm clock.

My smooshed face groans into the pillow.

This is exactly why I don't use my phone as my alarm. It wouldn't have lasted a week. Now, as I sigh into the fabric of my pillow, I don't necessarily mourn the loss of the clock but instead brood over the fact that I have to buy a new one.

I would get Max to wake me up but ever since my foot hit him down low he's never dared to try again. Bytes almost suffered the same fate when he attempted to scare me awake. Instead he earned a good ol' central kick to the gut. It wasn't soft either. He learnt never to try that stunt again.

It takes my sleepy head a minute to realise why I set my alarm so early. Oh yeah, that's right. It's my first day on the job.

I really didn't consider the long days that this photography work requires of me. It won't be easy to adapt to the early mornings, that I know for sure.

The boys start training around 8am so usually Max and Bytes leave the house at 7:30 and mingle with their teammates before the hard stuff begins. It unfortunately means I have to get ready when they are and go with them to the club.

With one final groan of effort I attempt to get up. I don't even step out of bed — I fall out of it.

My incoordination is superlative in the morning and right now is no exception as I lay on my bedroom floor. I groan again and more loudly this time but continue to lie there in acceptance.

"You're very dramatic."

Max stands in my doorway, leaning against it with arms crossed and a humorous smile that I so want to slap off his face. I didn't even know he was there.

I drag my arm out from under me and give him the finger. It's the least I can do in this predicament. He chuckles.

Bytes' head suddenly appears and he pouts at my current position. Okay, this is why Bytes is the actual best.

He walks into my room, sending Max a disappointed look for leaving me in a mess on the floor.

"What?! She would've left me there too if I was in the same situation," Max insists, throwing his hand in my direction to back up his point.

"Yeah well it's not like she can lift your flat ass from the floor," Bytes counters bluntly like it's such an obvious statement.

He offers his hand before pulling me up. I stumble slightly and he steadies me with a hand to my back. I send him an appreciative look before glaring at Max.

"Thanks for your help, brother," I grumble out.

"No problem sis," he says sarcastically and overly happy. He leaves from my doorway to get ready for training.

"I'm gonna get him back for that," I state lowly.

"You mean we'll get him back for that." Bytes winks, meeting my gaze.

"I can always count on you." I hold my fist up.

"Always," he smiles, bumping my fist with his own.


We finally arrive at the club after we were all ready.

I packed all my equipment: camera, lenses, SD cards — you name it. Despite the difficult start to my morning I'm so excited for this.

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