sixty four

387 17 234

Steeley's POV.

The club has hooked me up with a slick black suit for the Brownlow tonight. It's fair to say I'm just a tad nervous for it but I'm sure it's valid. This is the biggest award night in the AFL after all.

For me, dressing up is great but formal events have never been my kind of thing. Since it is the Brownlow, I won't deny I do feel some form of excitement though. Yet at the same time dread hangs over me like a weighted net.

The 2018 Brownlow was spent in the company of Taylah. A night where I felt so entirely happy but now it's a dull ache of a memory in my chest. It hurts with a sort of minor throb but it's nowhere near as unbearable. Madelyn plays a part in that.

I'll be going to the event with Ro, Gears, Jonesy and Butts. I overheard that Madelyn will be attending too and I half think it's because they want her to keep an eye on us. I really wouldn't be surprised if that was the case.

The days seemed to drag on now. The more time passed, the longer each minute seemed to become and the more I struggled to keep my composure. Every opportunity to speak with Madelyn got squashed like a bug. I needed to apologise. I couldn't keep letting the elastic band stretch longer. It would just come back and smack me in the face when I was out of time to make up for my wrongdoing. I refused to let that happen.


Tonight I will fully apologise to the oldest King. No more interruptions. No more painful minutes to pass without her knowing how sorry I am. I just want my girl back, that's if she decides she still wants me too.

When Charlotte pushed her into me, I had the clear temptation to kiss her. I knew that I wouldn't last if I didn't have her by my side or if she became someone else's. Not when I knew that she felt perfect in my grasp, as if she belonged against me as we embraced, as if my hand, and only my hand, was meant to graze her soft cheek as we kissed.

Every time I see her with the other guys, I find myself longing to have her with me instead. Is it jealousy? Maybe a little bit but in general I wish I was by her side, whether it be alone or with my teammates. How could I let her be anyone else's when I know that she's who I want and need?

When I saw her rushing into the fight with Lynch my first thought was I didn't want her to be harmed. She could've been seriously hurt if she got involved and I refused to let that happen.

The poor girl was unbelievably emotional afterward and it was clear to me why. Seeing Max down on the turf and on a stretcher allowed memories to surface that she preferred to keep suppressed. She was torn apart and it killed me to see her that way.

Despite our divide, Madelyn came to me without a second thought. Despite being the reason for our rift, my arms were still a safe place for her. It was still a place where she could seek comfort and I was still someone she could rely on to get it. And I didn't dare to let her go when she did stumble into my chest. Not when she needed someone then. Not when she needed someone to protect her from her inner horrors brought back to life.

It was in that moment that everything was normal between us again, but in reality it isn't quite there yet. I need to make it up to her and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

I smooth the black suit and tighten my tie resting against my chest. I look in the mirror of the change room and comb my hair to the right with my fingers. With a nod of satisfaction, I exit the room.

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