forty two

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Madelyn's POV.

Ever since Charlotte has arrived I've been playing with her a lot and it's been nothing but enjoyable. This beautiful young girl certainly does speak her mind and reminds me of myself. She is the cutest and I honestly love her. I've never had a sister before.

It personally means a lot that Blondie and his wife Marnie trust me with their little girl. They trust me to supervise her at the playground and by the pool. To have that kind of trust really makes me so appreciative.

Unfortunately my booted leg doesn't allow me to run around after the little Ross but she's pretty content on chasing bubbles. She understands that there is only so much I can do.

I hold the wand in my fingers, blowing out and causing the bubble to expand. Charlotte giggles and hops up to catch and pop the bubbles as they float in the air. A smile automatically pulls my lips upward.

Charlotte catches a bubble by popping it. She giggles loudly with nothing but carefree joy. Something that only as a child you'll get to experience, where no burden of adult life weighs you down.

"I gots it!" She squeals happily.

"You did," I say proudly, grinning at her.

This goes on for another few minutes before Charlotte gets tired and settles in my lap, snuggling close. We watch the fluffy clouds drifting across the sky peacefully. The young girl is captivated by them. I laugh lightly and she looks at me with puppy eyes.

"Wadewyn, sing pwease?" She begs with a pout. I fall for it instantly and nod. I hum to the girl softly.

I'm unaware of my brother watching or Jack's adoring look or Blondie's genuine smile, my eyes are only on Charlotte's crystal blue ones as they slowly flutter to a close.

And just like that Charlotte has fallen asleep in my lap, overwhelmed by the serenity of a simple hummed tune. I brush a stray hair from her face, my finger brushing against her smooth and undamaged skin. I smile gently at her sleeping figure as she snuggles into my chest.

Blondie walks up to me and grins at his sleeping daughter in my arms. He gives me a fatherly kiss to the crown of my head in thanks before taking his girl carefully without waking her. I salute him off and he stifles a laugh.

I remain cross-legged on the grass, sighing out with relaxation. I feel a pair of eyes on me.

Jack rubs the back of his neck when I catch him looking at me. He blushes lightly from being caught and I do too slightly, a fuzzy feeling warming my chest. I hoist myself up with my crutches to play it off. He approaches.

"What honour do I have for Steelo to watch me from afar?" I snicker. He laughs, trying act natural although he's struggling to maintain nonchalant.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go jet skiing with me?" He asks nervously, digging his foot into the grass. Awww.

"You realise I have a broken leg right?" I raise an eyebrow at him funnily.

"Uh—" is all he gets out. I bump him with a teasing laugh.

"The doctors said I'm allowed to go in the ocean as long as I'm careful and wear this special cast or casing or whatever it is to keep the water out," I tell him and he sighs out in relief. "You got a little worried there, didn't you?"

"Yes, maybe just a little bit," he owns up to it. I smirk at him and lean against his side naturally.

"Give me a few minutes. I'll get changed and figure out whatever this leg thing is," I inform Jack before shoving him playfully and heading off, smiling like an idiot.

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