thirty eight

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The cushioning of my apartment couch sinks when I lie back. My foot rests on the coffee table as I just relax the day away.

It's perfect timing when my phone goes off and Audrey's contact pops up on screen. I answer the FaceTime call quickly.

"The best Silvagni called me. What an honour." I hold my hand to my heart in a touched manner, grinning. Audrey chuckles at the action.

"Don't let Jack hear you," she warns jokingly. "You know how he can get."

"Angry? Oh yeah, I know that. He always looks like he's going to blow a fuse or something. The one vein at his temple always looks like it's going to burst." I look up thoughtfully and think about it. Audrey thinks about it for a moment, too, before the two of us crack up.

"He's a hothead, that one, and I live in the same house as him. Not only that but unfortunately we're related as well. I'm living it hard right now."

"Stop talking about me like I'm not here," none other than SOS scolds from somewhere off screen.

"Mads, did you hear something?" Audrey questions with confusion, her hand positioning under her chin. I frown, feigning cluelessness.

"I don't think so, Auds," I respond with my hand under my own chin. I can hear SOS grumble in the background. Typical.

SOS appears behind Audrey with a sinister smirk plastered on his face, an intention in mind. She looks over her shoulder and sends her brother an unimpressed look. He suddenly snatches her from behind, pulling her back, which leaves her phone leaning against the wall.

"Get off me dumbass!" She curses, squirming and throwing elbows to get out of his grasp. He just throws his head back and laughs in victory.

"Caleb, take the phone," SOS demands, motioning to me with a quick movement so his sister doesn't get free. Of course Caleb complies happily if it means he'll get to speak to me. Audrey's struggle disappears and Caleb's goofy smiles comes into view. In the background I hear Audrey swearing angrily, undoubtedly provoked.

"I don't support you taking away my girl," I state nonchalantly with the straightest of expressions.

"Don't be like that Mads." Caleb frowns, lips dropping into a pout. "I know on the inside you're happy to see me."

"Don't be so sure, Marchbank." Last name card pulled? Check!

Out of nowhere SOS yelps.

"What was that for?!" SOS cries with hurt, shock and annoyance all laced within his voice. I can't even see what's going on but I'm incredibly entertained.

"What did she do now?" Caleb asks in a way that this is a usual occurrence.

"She pinched me!" I erupt out in laughter, not even bothering to save him from embarrassment. "Not funny!"

Audrey emerges with an almighty victorious smirk on her face. As she should. She seizes back her phone from Caleb and leaves the room.

"Jesus. Absolute animals. Anyway, how have you been?" Audrey begins and sets herself up on a bed. "The leg alright?"

"The leg has been fine. It's hard to sleep at night and the crutches are annoying but apart from that there's nothing wrong. The hubs have been really enjoyable most of the time. Of course there's moments where I just want to go home but I have good company up here." I answer. "The club allowed you up?"

"They did! The Blues boys are a lot of fun," she tells me honestly.

"You're just happy you get to see the Muffin Man every day." I smirk, knowing that I'm right and there's no way she can deny.

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