sixty one

369 17 149

You ever sometimes wake up feeling better than expected? That you feel like you're ready to take on the world despite the possible things that could stop you.

Well that's me right now.

My legs are crossed in front, sunnies covering my eyes as I lean back on my arms. The sun kisses the bare skin not covered by my bathing suit, a towel resting beneath my body. I smile to myself.

The boys had just won their first final and the mood around the hub couldn't be better.

There's smiles around every corner I turn. It's just so nice and refreshing to see after how hard this year has been for a lot of people.

The team know it's been years since the Saints last won a final, let alone made one. Yet here we are having done both. It's exciting.

The only bad thing about our win against the Dogs was Paddy going down with a hamstring. His distraught and tears hurt the boys but he didn't let his injury cloud over the victory. He wanted nothing more than the boys to enjoy it. He's selfless like that. I did make sure to give the big guy a hug after the game.

I roll onto my stomach and nestle my eyes into my arms to create darkness. I let myself relax and soak in the sunshine warming my exposed back.

Should I really be surprised when this doesn't last long.

A whole bucket of salt water is poured over my head. I flinch at the sudden coldness against my skin. This is followed by a loud laugh echoing out by the one responsible.

I cough when the water somehow gets into my nostrils. My hair is flattened against my head whilst my back is now soaked. I flip around to face the culprit.

I tear off my sunnies and glare with the fury of a forest fire at Bytes. He holds the bucket to his chest, still cackling with his head diverted to the sky. He won't be laughing when I'm done with him.

"I'm going to kill you," I seethe and rush up angrily into a stand. Bytes freezes and his expression falls petrified.

"You know what, I want to live another day." He nods his head before digging his feet into the sand and taking off. I don't waste another second before pursuing after him.

His longer legs give him an advantage and my broken leg still isn't completely healed up to its original strength.

Bytes gets away and I grumble to myself in an angered annoyance.

"I will get you back, Bytel!" I threaten as he runs off over the sand mound. I storm back to my wet towel, shaking it out before sitting on the dry part.

My irritation is short lived when I see a certain Ross enter the beach. A smile creeps onto my lips and replaces the scowl.

"Hi Char," I greet the little girl with a tight cuddle when she runs over.

"Ello!" She says with unmatched happiness.

Marnie walks forward with a kind smile and I return it. My eyes fall back onto Charlotte who holds up an alicorn toy which shoots water out from its horn. She has this gummy smile which I can't help but melt for.

"Wanna pway?" She asks, showing me the toy and pointing to the water. I snicker and look towards Marnie who nods in approval.

Charlotte takes my hand and drags me to the waves. She's so cute.

The little Ross leads me into the shallows before releasing my hand and squatting. She puts the toy into the water and immediately it starts to shoot out from its horn. A few adorable giggles escape her lips.

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