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A respiratory virus, now deemed a pandemic, has captured Australia in its grasp as well as the AFL and its 2020 Premiership Season.

Its impact has seen the gates slammed shut and no crowds in for Round 1. Empty stadiums, bare seats, quiet air. Who would've thought?

Max's debut is today and neither of us could've imagined it to turn out like this. No roar of the crowd. No running through the banner. No atmosphere. Just silence from the seats that are supposed to be filled with supporters.

I could tell Max has a certain flatness about him as he prepares to head to Marvel for St Kilda's clash against North Melbourne. He had originally thought — and dreamed about for his entire life — that he'd run out to the sound of an all tremendous roar with his teammates egging him on and wishing him good luck in his first game. By no means is he ungrateful for the opportunity to finally debut, he just expected it to be different but not this kind of different.

"Max," I call out to him as he tugs on his shoes.

"Yeah?" He acknowledges, looking up and meeting my gaze.

"You know that no crowd doesn't make your debut any less significant, right?"

"I know. I had just hoped Ben could've seen my debut and that Mum and Dad didn't have to watch it from behind a screen. It sucks." He sighs, yearning for his entire family to see his childhood dream come true.

I frown at his deflated expression. He really just wanted everyone to see him play his first game but this stupid virus stuffed everything up.

"You know what though?" Max looks at me in gentle curiousness. "I get to see my talented younger brother achieve the goal he's been working for his entire life. I get to watch my brother who with his dedication, hard work and resilience got him to the career he's always strived for. He spent years working with a dream on his mind and here he is about to make the big time.

"You, Max, are the reason I'm proud each and every day. Knowing you made it will never cease to amaze me. All those years of tackling me in the backyard, using me as a weight or punching bag has lead you to this moment. You're ready for this, no matter if our parents, if supporters, are there or not."

The oldest of the twins wipes his eyes quickly to cover up the grateful tears forming in his eyes. Soft.

"No need to hide the effect I have on you, big guy," I jest. He sniffles lightly before engulfing me in a big bear hug.

Max buries his face into my hair and hugs me tighter. He wants nothing more than in this embrace to express his appreciation and gratitude. He sighs relaxingly whilst I listen to the thumping of his heart. It's calming as it always has been.

"Thank you," he whispers into my brown hair. "Thank you for everything."

"Don't thank me. You know I'd do just about anything, but not everything, for you," I snigger into his chest.

"I know." We pull away. I send him a genuine smile and he returns it.

Bytes takes his time getting ready but now we're finally on the way to Marvel. I made the choice to come with the boys instead of driving myself because I couldn't be bothered and what's the point when I have a ride.

With the COVID situation worsening in Melbourne, or Australia in general, the roads seem quieter than usual. These unprecedented times have pushed everyone to take cover and stay home. No one knows what will happen next and neither do we.

The best we can do is focus on what we can control and that's this upcoming game. I have to focus on my job as the club photographer and Max has to focus on his first game. We can't deviate from those paths. We can't get distracted.

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