sixty three

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It's been a few days since Max had been punched in the head but he's alright. He's spent a lot of his time resting and is feeling pretty good now.

Ben saw the incident live and as soon as St Kilda was leaving to go back to the resort, he was able to see his twin in person. I could tell that Max's knee injury was playing on his mind too. It was a pretty tight hug shared between the two.

It just so happened that the Tigers were leaving the same time we were. I couldn't help myself when I charged over to Lynch; none of the Saints boys were able to stop me. I was rightfully pissed off.

I stormed over to the Richmond players, fuming. Some glanced in my direction confusingly and others with recognition. Lynch's back was to me so I cleared my throat and soon as he turned around, I clocked him right in the face.

"Shame, I wish that knocked you out," I said with annoyance as Lynch stood upright and groaned, rubbing his nose gingerly; it started to trickle blood. He glared at my smaller form but I just shoved the middle finger in his face and walked back towards the St Kilda bus.

The boys sniggered as I stepped into the bus without a word.

Despite my little show with Lynch, it sucked that we were all a bit flat during the ride back. Max just slept with his head against the window, beyond drained after the whole ordeal of today. I sat next to him and found myself nodding off a few times too.

There was a season review the following day and a meeting about going home as well. The situation in Melbourne has died down a lot and right on time too. I'm just about ready to snuggle into my bed again.

Either way, today is a special day and I'm very excited for it.

The Trevor Barker Award.

An award given to a player who was the best and fairest this season.

To be fair I think a lot of people already know who the winner will be. Despite that, we're looking forward to celebrating this event nonetheless.

The event isn't formal dress, just casual. I'm not fussed because the Brownlow is next week and I've been invited to go. It's then that I'll get to dress up.

Before the B&F, the boys are just relaxing and soaking in the last few days before we head back to Victoria. Whether that be sun bathing or smacking each other with pool noodles at the beach.

I'm currently with Lones and Blondie by the poolside. I play around with a nerf gun, shooting the bullets up in the air and catching them again and again.

"I'm scared to even look at that now," I comment, eyeing off the bottle in Blondie's hand as if it'll launch and attack me.

"Same," Lones agrees with a cringe.

"Oh come on," Seb says. "I won't allow anything to happen to you."

"I'm more so shocked that you're encouraging us," I state, pulling a face. "And won't we have some later anyway?"

"What harm will one drink do right now?" He asks with an eyebrow arched.

"A lot. It will do a lot of harm because then we'll want more and then we'll have to wait for more," Lones answers logically for once. I nod, agreeing.

Blondie shrugs and takes a sip of his beer. "Your loss then."

"Cannonball!" A voice yells and is followed by a large splash shortly after. A spray of water goes all over the three of us. Hilly surfaces, smiling with that cheeky grin of his.

"I was going to have a shower later but now I don't need to. Thanks," I get out sarcastically, combing my now wet hair with my hand.

I shoot him with the nerf gun and the bullet sticks to his practically bald head and stays there. Seb and Lones chuckle. A pop sound occurs when Hilly pulls the suction bullet from his head.

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