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"Please! It's been ages since I last took photos of you in action. The last time was probably not long before you were drafted. I really want to get back into sports photography," I exhort to Max who just shakes his head in disapproval.

"No, I get enough taken of me at training. Most of them look like I just got kicked in the stomach or Ben left his dirty washing out," Max states with a cringe on his face.

"Oh come on, Winx, it's not that bad, she'll delete the bad ones." Bytes turns to her. "Will you?"

"Thank you! See, this is why Bytes is my favourite. And yes, I'll delete the bad ones just for you, little brother." I lean up and jiggle Max's cheek. He swats me away, scowling.

Before Ben and Max were drafted I took photos of them playing, especially during their later years of footy before they started their AFL careers. Mum and Dad loved my photos of the twins, they even have some of them framed. I converted to landscape and wildlife photography when I moved out but there was no doubt that I missed sports photography.

"Since Maxy is playing hard to get, how about I be your model?" Bytes smiles, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me in close.

My brother scowls at the young Jack for encouraging me and trying to lure him into the trap. We both know he can't hold out against it though. He's a total softie when it comes to me.

It only takes a few extra seconds for him to crack.

"Fine," he groans out, not even trying to hide his eye roll.

"Thank you!" I wrap my hands around his waist from the side. I don't miss the small smile when I look up at him. Soft. "Now get ready boys! Time to put your game faces on!"


Max and Bytes dress in sports attire whilst I prepare my camera and lens for the shoot. It'll mainly just be the boys kicking to one another at the park. Nothing big at all as I just want to ease back into it.

I'm kind of glad Ben isn't here for this or all it would've been is the twins dragging each other into headlocks. They always try beat one another up instead of being civil and just kicking the footy. Usually I have to step in and break them up somehow.

The weather is overcast — exactly how I like it. When there's sun it creates too many shadows and can sometimes be just too bright. It's not windy at all either which just makes the conditions even more perfect.

I wait by the front door with the camera hanging from my neck and a new excitement sparking in my stomach. It's been so long since I've taken photos of my boys and it's just great to have to opportunity again, minus Ben not being here.

Footsteps echo down from upstairs and not long after the two tall boys appear at the bottom of the steps.

"About time. Did you have to put makeup on to fix your ugly faces again? Not sure if it did much," I snicker with a knowing tone.

"Did you hear that, Winx? I don't think I heard anything." Bytes glances up and swivels his head around, specifically avoiding looking down at me.

"I don't think I heard anything either, Gigs," Max agrees as he, too, doesn't look at me. I roll my eyes.

"Thought you both were young? Didn't realise hearing aids were needed this early on. Better inform the club of this," I say with smirk before opening the front door.

Max and Bytes both snort and there's no doubt they rolled their eyes too. Very predictable they are.

The slightest breeze grazes my face welcomely. The lighter strands of my hair flow in its wake, my skin soaking up the warm air pleasantly. Despite being cloudy it's rather hot although the end of Summer is nearing. The boys'
pre-season training is heating up so it's best to keep this photoshoot quick and not overly exerting.

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