twenty three

514 18 42

Madelyn's POV.

Was I displeased with a 7am start? Bloody oath I was.

The resort's alarm clock barely survived the beating it copped. My fist was relentless but so was the painful beeping which drilled into my head, screeching like loud sirens during a quiet night. I can still hear the echo of it in my ears.

The AFL decided to kindly gifted us the earliest time slot available. I was heavily irritated as we now play the Dockers at 12:35pm at Metricon. The timing means everyone has to wake from their slumber at a stupidly early time.

As it stands I'm having breakfast with Humpty Dumpty and Hanners.

"Are you sure you won't blind your teammates with your bald head? It's looking really shiny today," I comment, going to touch Zak's crystal ball of a head. He slaps my hand. Hanners chortles beside me, amused by the now offended look stretched across my face.

"Really, Mads?" Zak glowers, eyes narrowed in disapproval.

"Yes, Mr Clean. It really was necessary." I manage to poke his temple. "As was that."

His scowl is more prominent now. "It won't blind anyone." He rolls his eyes before taking a bite of his egg toast causally.

"Cannibalism!" I shriek impulsively, whipping my arm out to point at Zak. He jumps in his chair at my sudden scream. Hanners just laughs very obnoxiously at his teammates' fright and Zak hits him in the gut. The former Sydney player coughs loudly, gripping his stomach with a grimace. I laugh at them both and Zak goes to flick me but my brother walks past in that exact moment.

"You touch her and I'm throwing you in the pool," Max threatens half-seriously, his eyes squinted into a sort of glare. Zak decides that keeping his hands to himself, as taught in primary school, is the best course of action for his own physical well-being and ego. Wise choice.

"I thought you were tough, Jonesy? You could take him," Hanners speaks up in an attempt to shit-stir and watches my brother as he walks to the other side of the room.

"I prefer not to. If touch her then the whole squad will come calling: Winx, Gigs, John, probably even Steeley. I'm not willing to take that risk," Zak expresses, his teeth locking together in a cringe. The egghead takes a glance at the boys that would probably beat his ass.

I perk up, straightening my posture with interest at one of those names.

"Why Steeley?" I ask yet hide my genuine curiosity. I eye the two men suspiciously.

"Well we saw you walking around with him the other night and you two are always talking." Hanners shrugs nonchalantly and Zak nods, agreeing with him. I narrow my eyes at them now.

"You were watching us?" I scrutinise them heavily and try to gauge on whether it was intentional or not. Both throw their hands up swiftly and urgently in an attempt to climb from the hole they dug themselves into.

"We can see most of the resort from our side. We noticed you two walking," Zak insists truthfully in a quick confession. I huff when I can't find a fault in his words.

Before the probing can continue further, the group is called to collect their gear and make their way to the bus. I grasp my leather camera bag leaning against the table and follow the crowd towards the awaiting coach.

By the time I enter the bus a lot of the spots have been taken.

"Mads!" Lones' voice echoes from the back. He pats the middle seat in the back row of the bus, beckoning me to take the empty space. You can just tell he reserved it for me. Aww.

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