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Madelyn's POV.

Oh the day has come.

I've been waiting for this day for weeks. It has finally arrived.

My fingers unstrap the velcro and the boot comes clean from my leg for the final time. I throw it away in disgust, scowling as it tumbles to a stop against the carpet.

The muscles have pretty much withered away but with rehab sessions and light duties it'll build back up again. The doctor said I still have to be careful and can't run with it. I'll also have a limp for awhile until my leg strength is back. I don't care, I'm just glad it's off.

"Feels good?" Bytes asks with a chuckle, standing beside my seated position as moral support.

"I feel liked I've died and come back to life," I sigh out in relief, sliding down the seat.

"Bit dramatic, don't you think?" He snickers, eyebrow arched.

"You try having a broken leg," I snort at him. He doesn't respond and instead offers me a hand.

This'll be the first time standing and walking around without crutches or the protection of the boot. So I hold my breath, gripping onto Bytes' hand before putting weight on the leg.

There's a slight twinge of pain but it's not really that noticeable. I feel a lot of unbalance but I'm kept steady by my housemate who places a supportive hand on my back now. He assures I don't fall and I'm incredibly grateful for that.

I take a few assisted steps with Bytes keeping his hold strong. After a few more he drops his grip, albeit slightly hesitant, and lets me walk on my own. The limp is pretty obvious but I'm just so happy not having to rely on crutches anymore.

I turn around to face Bytes with a bright smile lighting up my lips. Upon seeing my elation a goofy grin appears on his face. My happiness is contagious.

"She's out of it!" Hilly cheers when walking into the room, throwing his arms out. A few boys follow and beam at me because I'm standing without any assistance.

I still lean on my other leg as it's something I've been doing for weeks. I'll have to train myself out of it.

Humpty Dumpty strides up to me with a smirk.

"Good thing you can't hit me with those now." He points to the crutches lying on the carpet alongside the abandoned boot.

"You're too confident, Mr Clean." My eyes narrow at him sinisterly. He backs off away from me quickly.

My brother enters the room and looks in my direction immediately. His eyes widen at me just casually standing in the middle of the room with no boot on. He still has this guilty look in his eye but I also see a hint of pride in the gaze.

Neither of us have spoken to one another. I don't know what to say to him, I really don't. I just need a little longer to think before I confront him, or he confronts me. I don't like a division between us but I need more time.

Something that I've noticed is Jack has been nowhere to be found in the past day, if not more. It's very unlike him, especially when he knows today is the day where the boot comes off. I'm not necessarily worried, I'm just confused.

Usually he never spends more than a few hours away from me. We both enjoy one another's company, even more so after the kiss. It's just perplexing that not even during dinner, breakfast or lunch have I seen him.

I shrug the thoughts away but Jack still lingers on my mind.

"You boys are lucky I can't chase you. Yet at the same time don't think that it's wise to piss me off because I can't." The guys nod at my dead serious tone, understanding the message. "Good."

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