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When Max said that a mate of his was coming over I couldn't believe my ears. I thought they were deceiving me.

It isn't necessarily rare that people come over to this house. There is the occasional friend of Max's that comes over but it's more so that I doubted Max's ability in making new friends now that he's an AFL footballer. His time is limited and making new friends isn't really what he'd strive to do in his free time.

Believe it or not my own social life is rather quiet. I don't have many friends outside my family. It's not because I can't make any, because trust me I can, it's just my travels prevented me from creating relationships with anyone. I drifted from my high school friends and I tend to stay away from girls because of the drama that follows them around everywhere.

As it stands I'm happy with my brother, Bytes and the growing list of Saints players I've befriended. Although part of me really wants a gal pal I can talk to about girl issues. You know, like cute guys and annoying female problems. It's not like I can speak to my boys about absolutely everything.

Before Max's mate comes by I've spent a good portion of my morning editing some photos I took at the club. Bytes is out doing god knows what.

My mind wanders when I come across a photo of Jack with a real smile on his face. I believe someone made some kind of humorous joke.

The warmth in those brown eyes also hold a sort of cold edge. You can tell that behind the scenes there is something bothering him. A personal struggle which no one, or not many, are actually aware of.

It's crazy how growing up with two brothers tells you a lot about how guys hide their inner weaknesses, yet at the same time they do a terrible job at it. They hide their struggles with a solid wall but every wall has a weak point, you just have to know where to find it. Years of practice has taught me where is it and how to break through it.

Has his reserved nature stemmed from this personal struggle or has he always been the introverted type?

I can't help but ask such a question. Jack was in his element when surrounded by his teammates but as soon as they stepped away he went all private. When I came along he wasn't necessarily open but he was still nice. He's got a kind heart but it's not available to everyone, that much is clear.

Such a person doesn't just willingly offer you their openness, it's something that must be earned no matter who you are.

I hear the elephant footsteps of my brother coming down the stairs. As soon as he walks into the lounge room I spring him with a question.

"Has Steeley always been so reserved?"

Max raises his eyebrows at my sudden query. He keeps that look for a moment before his expression morphs into a sort of thoughtfulness.

"He has. Around new people he usually keeps to his own and stays with what he knows, yet sometimes it depends on the environment. Say a new player arrives, like when I joined, he willingly welcomes them in. Not because he feels the need to but because he wants to. It's different when someone outside his usual circle or environment, like the club, comes in. He keeps to himself a lot unless he's with the boys. Steeley is very up and about when he's surrounded by people he knows well and trusts. It's just how he is but when you get to know him he'll open up and you'll earn his loyalty. A bond with him is hard to sever after that."

So he's always been that way. He's the kind of guy who doesn't venture and voluntarily seek out new people. He prefers to stick to familiarity unless he's approached first. When you form some kind of connection with him it's like an infinite thing. It's hard to break once you get past a certain point.

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