Dating Katherine Pierce includes...

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-Her being protective of you

-PDA to make your relationship loud and clear when someone hits on either of you

-Her always making sure you eat and take care of yourself

-Traveling the world together

-You being the only person she's really "nice" to

-Making fun of the Mystic Falls gang when you see them

-Her falling in love all over again every time you do or say something adorable

-Teasing each other a lot

-Being pampered and cuddled to death when you say you miss her

-Her being a proud girlfriend when you do something badass

-Just knowing when she's lonely and misses you because she's too embarrassed to say it so you just find her and give her the love she's craving

-Trying to dominate her but it never really works

-Meeting Nadia for the first time and being unsure of yourself, she encourages you and holds your hand through it

-Her being insecure and vulnerable once in a while and you knowing exactly how to comfort her

-Pet names, but basic ones, nothing too mushy like "sweetie pie" or anything, it makes her feel weird

-Just randomly sitting down and admiring each other while the other does something menial

-Her being the one to propose to you and being nervous about it but also really happy when you say yes

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