Dating Luna Lovegood includes...

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-Her literally never judging you for anything ever unless you were hurting other people. She knows what being told you're weird feels like and she doesn't want you to feel that way. Even if she doesn't understand why you like it she always listens to you talk about it

-Her father loving you to pieces and asks you a million questions. He'd be the dad who wants to know everything about you and your relationship with his daughter without being judgmental or weird about it

-Her being your hypegirl all the time even in situations that don't call for it, like you could roll out of bed looking like a crusty musty rat and she'd say you look amazing

-Sharing clothes (she'd also make you cute little earrings or bracelets as well, saying they're good luck charms)

-Doing silly dances and jumping on the beds in the girls' dormitories

-(If you don't sleep in the girls' dormitories and/or aren't in Ravenclaw) you sneaking to meet each other in the middle of the night just to cuddle or chat

-Her always making sure you felt special

-She would always stand up to someone who's going out of their way to make you unhappy. She probably wouldn't scare them in the least, but she'd definitely make you feel better

A/N: Luna Lovegood is an absolute goddess and that is all I have to say.

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