R e b e k a h

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Summary: Rebekah plays a prank on you but you end up getting a cold and she takes care of you. Just fluffy stuff.



The eerily slow creaking of the bathroom door made you freeze.


"It's only me love, I just left a pair of earrings in here." She called. Just as I had resumed showering, I felt a biting cold sensation engulfing my skin, piercing the top of my head and trickling down to my feet. I gave a yelp, dropping the bar of soap in my hand and spluttering. I looked up just in time to notice the top of a bucket before it disappeared behind the rod holding the shower curtain.


. . .

"I'm still gonna kill you." I sniffled.

"I'm sure you will, but in the mean time, rest so you can do it properly." She replied from the kitchen. The sound of a wooden spoon clanking against the inside of a filled pot echoed against the kitchen tile into the living room, where I lay under a blanket and sipped water.

Unfortunately, her ice water prank had backfired, and to my expense. Since I had so foolishly chosen to chase her around the house instead of continue showering in warm water, I was now dealing with the consequences of a major cold.

"Here, eat." Rebekah came back a few minutes later with a large steaming bowl of soup. When I took the soup she reached for the remote and began flipping through channels until finding an old romance movie.

She wrapped an arm around my shoulders, kissing my cheek. "Still going to kill me?"

"Hm, no. I'd miss you too much." I laid my head on her shoulder, stirring the soup so that it could cool. "Where else would I get a girlfriend who can cuddle me when I'm sick?"

"Nowhere in the whole wide world, darling."


A/N: This is really short but I think it's cute. Also 99th chapter!!

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