Dating Kol Mikaelson includes...

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-Sneaking out late at night to get McDonalds and eat it in the car

-Him twirling you at random intervals even though you aren't dancing

-Him also picking you up and spinning you around when you two meet even if you literally just went out to the car to get something. He's very dramatic when you get back, saying something along the lines of, "Darling, I missed you terribly! You have slain my fragile heart by abandoning me!"

-Hide and seek in the house (he's very competitive and very good)

-Being poked in the shoulder repeatedly until you give him attention

-Him making jokes about how you should (insert thing he wants you to do) because "I'm Kol Mikaelson" or "I'm gorgeous"

-Rooftop dates under the stars

-Waking up to crazy morning hair

-Cuddling but once he actually falls asleep he's rolling around A LOT so he'll probably wake you up because he rolled all the way on top of you (he isn't sorry at all, sometimes you wonder if he was actually asleep)

-Him being the kind of morning person that wakes other people up. He'll start with whispering your name, and when it doesn't work he'll pull back the curtains and jump on the bed.

-Him annoying the crap out of you but him also being a sweetheart and always spoiling you because deep down he feels a bit bad (but that doesn't stop him)

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