S i r i u s

438 7 3

Requested by @JulzLovDraco4Eva thank you! I hope I made it to your liking.

Also this was written on my birthday :D

Summary: Y/n gets in a fight over Sirius.


"...and then I told him to fuck off!" James smiled proudly.

"That is a truly fascinating tale, Prongs, thank you for sharing." Remus said dully, not looking up from his book. 

Ignoring Remus' sarcasm, James opened his mouth to speak when he noticed a figure making its way towards them. Regulus Black.

Damn it. I thought, sighing when I noticed who it was. I stole a glance at Sirius, who was laying on the grass next to me dozing. I nudged him gently, which made him stir, then groggily push himself off of his back. 

"Ah, there's my favorite Black. Or rather, non-Black." Regulus gave a hearty chuckle, by which time Sirius had become conscious enough to listen. Regulus' friends sniggered at his remark. "You know, I was beginning to wonder when Father would do it. I have to admit, his tolerance for you is higher than mine. But enough about me, how are you? Obviously not too well, seeing as you're hanging out with Y/l/n." Sirius said nothing, simply staring at his hands which lay limply in his lap. "Do you truly struggle with making friends that much after losing the family name that you seek company in filth? No wonder Father burned your name off. You're a disgrace."

Before any of our other friends could react and before I could process my own words, I shouted, "SHUT UP! DON'T TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT!"

"What did you say to me?" He hissed, storming towards me. His goons had already drawn their wands, one or two aiming at each Marauder. (A/n: Okay but I'm terrible at fight scenes like-)

"I told you to shut up. Are you deaf or just stupid?" 

"Don't speak to me that way!" He spat. "Mudblood." He raised his hand, swinging it so that the back of his hand whacked me right in the mouth. One of his (rather ugly) rings has snagged my lip, tearing the skin and letting blood seep through the raw skin. The force of his blow had caused me to stumble sideways, falling to my knees.

I frowned, licking my bloody lip in thought. "Well, that wasn't very nice."

"Shut up. Fucking nasty whore." He muttered, kicking the side of my head. When I had fallen down, he began serving blows. 

I laughed weakly, lightheadedness starting to set in. "You're really going to have to work on your insults."

Before Regulus could hit me again, however, he was restrained by a teacher, who had been walking by. But the sound of my head pounding was too loud in my ears to hear the scolding that I'm sure would have been satisfying. I closed my eyes, letting the darkness take over.

 My work here is done.

. . .

"Is she awake yet?"


"Is she awake yet?"


"Is she-"

"For the last time Padfoot, no, she is not."

. . .

"Is she awake?"


I cracked a tiny smile when a flurry of excited boys crowded around my hospital bed. I already knew where I was- the hospital wing. I used my right arm to push myself to sit upright, my left dangling uselessly in a sling. 

"Godric, you gave us a scare, Y/n." Peter clutched his chest.

"You should have seen McGonagall!" Remus laughed. "She was furious with him and his clowns, took a fat load of points off of Slytherin for it. Regulus is the only one who got suspended, but his friends are in detention." 

Among their chatter, I noticed Sirius was unusually quiet, just watching me. Finally, he cleared his throat and said, "guys, can I get a moment alone?"

Their merry talk died down, and they began to file out. Tense silence filled their place, hanging over the room like rainclouds. 

"You got beat up for me." He spoke softly, his eyes holding contact with mine. 

"Don't look too much into it." I muttered, taking the clipboard from the bedside table to read the diagnosis. "I did that to get him suspended. He bullies everyone and is a nuisance to the entire school- no offense."

"I don't think so." He scooted a chair up, leaning forward. "I think you did it to defend me."

A bitter smirk tugged at my lips. "Mhm."

"Why did you do it?"

"Do what?"

"You know what I mean."

"I do?"

"Come on, Y/n." 

"Come on, what? What do you want me to say? Do you want some magic secret? Do you want me to tell you that I've been so goddamn in love with you for years that I'd rather let your brother break my arm than see you get pushed around? Because I can't tell you that." There was heavy sarcasm in my voice, laced with tired mania. "That would ruin our friendship." 

Sirius was at a loss for words. If he was shocked, his face betrayed it. Finally, he said, "You're in love with me?"

I nodded, not meeting his face out of shame. Instinctively I began curling into myself, blinking back tears. 

"Y/n." He moved to sit on the bed, causing it to creak loudly. He cupped my cheeks, brushing his thumbs over the apples of my cheeks once or twice before leaning in slowly. When our lips were inches apart, he looks at me. His lips quirked up in an adoring smile before kissing me- it was soft, chaste, and over too soon. 

"You could have just told me." He smiled, his hand snaking down to mine. "You didn't have to go breaking your arm."

I chuckled softly, still processing. "Probably not."

"So... will you be my girlfriend?" 

"Maybe." I gently tugged on his tie, grinning.


I jumped at the booming voice ten feet away. James was peeking through the doors of the hospital wing, bouncing on his toes and looking from inside to down the hall and back.

"James Fleamont Potter!"


A/N: What the actual heck is this. I feel like this is one of those scenes that would be better as acting than writing, but I tried. I kind of jumped right into the plot, and I really don't know how to write the after cute stuff without it feeling unnecessary... I don't even know. 

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