Dating Regulus Black includes...

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-Lots of wholesome and romantic affection like forehead kisses and holding hands

-If you're a person who loves old-fashioned stuff like Elvis and vinyl records, this is the man for you

-Him not understanding your humor but just rolling with it because he loves you

-Reassuring him of your love often

-Laying your head on his chest while he tells you fairy tales or stories from his youth

-Taking walks outside near the Black Lake while talking about your day

-Being fully trusted when he finally opens up to you. It might take him a minute to decide you're trustworthy, but when he does there's no secrets

-Calling him fancy pants

-Him calling you love or sweet

-Actually getting stuff done because he keeps you accountable for waking up on time, etc. He also encourages you and praises you for working hard. You definitely motivate him as well

-Cuddles after a long day or exhausting Quidditch practice/match while you play with his hair

-Dates being laid-back and quiet rather than fancy or exciting. You're more comfortable when you aren't trying, and he definitely understands because he grew up in a stuffy household

-Him always wanting to take care of you (simple things like brushing your hair)

-Breakfast in bed on lazy mornings (with his deep morning voice)

-Standing up to Sirius for him

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