Something they pull off unlike anyone else (HP)

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Harry: Being the underrated character in his own series

Ron: Walking (Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter) said himself that Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) has a 'sexy walk', and it shows sometimes in the movies lol)

Hermione: Being the most adorable bean and lovable character but also really annoying

Luna: That airy voice she does

Draco: Extra-ness and pettiness in general (Do I even need to give examples? Need I remind anyone of his most well-known lines?)

Neville: RESPECT AND WHOLESOMENESS also having a major glow-up

Cedric: Becoming so popular even though he had like ten minutes of screen time total

Tom: The hot murderer vibe *realizes I also write for TVD characters...oops...* 

Ginny: Having her personality from the books be severely overlooked in the movies

Severus Snape: Being adorable as a kid in the books (baby Snape crushing on Lily in the books was so heartwarming to read oml)

Minerva McGonagall: Being overlooked by Harry when he was naming his children (because APPARENTLY being the best mother figure he had- second only to Molly Weasley- and doing everything in her power to make sure he could follow the career path he wanted and that he was protected wasn't enough. All Luna had to do was exist, I love the girl but McGonagall deserved it more than Luna)

Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore: reinforcing Harry's trust issues (this man let Harry believe Snape was the bad guy for a whole year and not to mention literally raised him to die.)

Dolores Umbridge: Being the absolute most disgusting roach on God's green earth :))

Dobby: Making an audience cry

Lucius Malfoy: Parenting

Rubeus Hagrid: Having a crush like a schoolboy (him and Madame Maxime at the Yule Ball awww)

Remus Lupin: Copying James (both died shortly after their first and only son was born. Lacking creativity much Moony 🙄)

Sirius Black: Still being very attractive in his mid-40s (I don't actually know how old Sirius was in the books, I just looked up how old Gary Oldman (who plays Sirius Black) was when Prisoner of Azkaban was made)

Voldemort: Being the main villain of the internationally famous book series with the most copies sold and being not scary at all 

The Dursleys: Contradicting themselves (Petunia always despised Lily for being a witch but she herself sent a letter to Dumbledore personally asking if she could go to Hogwarts. On top of that they all hated Harry's guts but wanted him to stay with them rather than go to Hogwarts and be out of their hair for ten months.)

James Potter: Having the younger version of himself be fan-cast by a person whose general facial structure does not look like his son (I wouldn't cast anyone else though, it just fits)

Peter Pettigrew: Actually being lovable in his youth

Regulus Black: Looking like he belongs in a Tim Burton movie 

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