E n z o

619 10 1

Summary: You asked Enzo to help you stop your snacking habit. The relationship between Enzo and the reader is open to interpretation. Also, since I wanted to give Y/n more distinct characteristics, I made them around 4'11.

TW: mention of starving oneself


*Enzo's POV*

For the past few weeks, I had been given the task of helping you stop snacking. Essentially, anytime I caught you snooping around the pantry outside of regular mealtimes, you'd be reprimanded. It was your idea, not mine.

But one night, around 10pm, I had caught you again.

*Your POV*

Just a little something, then I'll be okay.

You were poking around the fridge again, despite the little voice of guilt in your head. This time you were determined to get something to eat without being caught.

"Find anything yet?"

A yelp erupted from your throat as you spun around quickly. Standing right behind you was Enzo, his hands behind his back and eyes observing you. 

"You scared me!" You put a hand on your chest to calm your raging heart. 

"It's ten o'clock."

"So it is."

"It's not time for snacking. Come on." He put a hand behind your back to guide you out of the kitchen, his other hand closing the door of the pantry. You felt like a child, but you told yourself this was better. Just the sucky side effects of breaking bad habits.

But just as he had gotten you out of the kitchen, a peculiar noise reached his ears.

A growl.

From your tummy.


"What was that?" He looked down at you. You couldn't tell if he was genuinely asking or doing that scolding-a-child voice thing he was just doing.

"Nothing." You lied, looking down and fiddling with the hem of your shirt. Your body language betrayed you and it was obvious. You knew he knew what it was, he has vampire hearing for God's sake.

"I don't think that was nothing." He led you towards the couch, where he sat and you stood in front of him. 

"Well it was." You stubbornly replied.

"No. I think that was a stomach growl. Am I right?" He maintained perfect eye contact, watching every feature of your face.

You lowered your head, staring at your toes as you nodded.

"What have you eaten today?" 

"A fruit cup."

"That's it?"

You nodded. 

He shook his head, taking your hand and guiding you to the dinner table. "No wonder you're hungry. Come on."

You sat at the dinner table obediently, watching him with wide eyes as he moved into the kitchen, reappearing with a sandwich a minute later. "Eat."

You glanced suspiciously between the sandwich and Enzo, not really wanting to. He sat at the table beside you, crossing his arms and placing them on the table. "I said eat."

You picked up the food delicately and started taking small bites. He watched you, making sure you ate the whole thing. You couldn't tell if there was a look of pride in his eyes when you finished the sandwich, the rest of his features were still solemn and serious. 

When you finished eating, he moved you into the living room again. This time you both sat on the couch next to each other. You could sense a serious conversation coming up and you hated the tension that hung in the air before it. 

"Y/n, I need you to be honest with me. Can you do that?"

You nodded.

"Did you ask me to help you stop snacking so you could starve yourself?"

As soon as the question left his lips you started tearing up. Your bottom lip began trembling and fat tears welled in your eyes. "Yes!" You whimpered, wiping your tears angrily with your sleeve.

Enzo's disappointment was instantaneously washed over with sadness. Since he didn't want to initiate physical contact without asking, he simply held his arms open as an invitation for a hug, which you eagerly accepted. Well, more like you fell into him. He readjusted the two of you so as to be more comfortable, one arm on your back. The other laid in your hair, stroking it.

"M-my normal diet is weird. I don't eat at breakfast lunch and dinner, I just eat whenever I-I want, and I started feeling like I ate too much all the time. So I asked you to h-help. But then I started feeling guilty whenever I ate, so I kind of s-stopped. I was gonna get a snack earlier, I guess old habits die hard. Bu' yeah, that's what I was doing."

You let out a shaky breath- telling him took a lot more energy than crying did. 

"Tell you what." Enzo's soft voice made vibrations from his chest to your face, snapping your attention to him. "I'll help you stop snacking if you promise you'll eat three square meals a day."

You looked up at him with glassy eyes, nodding. Without saying anything, you laid your head back down on his chest. 

"Good, good. I'm going to be there with you every step of the way."



A/N: I've had this little scenario stuck in my head for over a year, it was very satisfying to finally write. Hope you enjoy.

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