They see your self harm scars (CM)

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Penelope Garcia: Her heart would break seeing you. She'd probably walk in saying something and as soon as she noticed you she'd stop talking, put down whatever is in her hands and rush over to you. She'd take your hands and just cry with you.

Derek Morgan: He would be very calm about it, but not in a nonchalant way. He would cup your face and promise to do what he can to help you. He would hold to that promise because he cares for you. He probably handles it the best because he knows what not to do.

Spencer Reid: You'd think he'd use personal experience to help you, but he understands this isn't about him, it's about you. (He would share his experience and how he got through it later). He'd help you find a different method, being very patient with you and always saying he's so proud of you when you hit time points.

Emily Prentiss: To be honest, she'd probably just roll up her sleeves and show you her own scars. Then you two would cry together and talk about when you started and come up with a plan to overcome the temptation to self-harm together.

Jennifer Jareau: Maybe she's a little selfish, but it hurts her a little to see the scars so she brings out the first aid kit and covers the fresh ones and puts cream on the old scars so that they fade. Then she'll want to figure out why you do it. She won't ask you why because it's more complicated than that, but she wants to help you however she can.

Aaron Hotchner: He makes sure you have no reason to. He checks if you're taking care of yourself and not overworking, and goes the extra mile to make you feel happy and loved.

David Rossi: He wouldn't talk a whole lot at first, he'd just pull you into a hug. When you had calmed down he would put his hands on your shoulders and tell you that he would always be there for you.

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