Dating Hayley Marshall includes...

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-Calling her a bossy pants because she kind of is

-Her being nervous that you'll run away when you find out about Hope and the supernatural drama but also being really relieved when you don't

-Being babied

-Never being able to make her flustered because she's an alpha but sometimes it's really easy

-Picnics in the sunset. Idk she just gives me the vibes

-Her growling in your ear because obviously

-Also she will tease you a lot

-Adventures in the middle of the night (when Klaus or someone is at home with Hope of course)

-Sharing jewelry. Especially necklaces, she likes to put them on you

-Late night movie nights where you share a blanket and throw popcorn at each other

-Looking out for each other and making sure the other takes care of themselves (if you're not a vampire you need it more than she does but you still make sure she takes time for herself so she doesn't go crazy)

-Poking her because you're bored. She's actually the master of ignoring you being whiny and pouty so you probably have to resort to taking your shirt off to get her to look up from whatever she's busy with

-Lazy mornings, especially if it rains then it's just perfect for staying in bed

-Making coffee or tea for each other

A/N: So I actually don't dislike Hayley now. Interesting. 

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