Dating Arthur Pendragon includes...

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-If your encounters take place in the beginning seasons he's probably a major show off

-Let's be honest though later seasons Arthur would be a show off too

-I can completely see your first encounters going something along the lines of him being all "hey watch me kick Leon's ass and turn around to see if you're looking with zero subtlety and give you a goofy grin, then Leon pounces on me when I'm distracted"

-Merlin knows. Merlin knows all. And to Arthur's surprise, he gives logical advice that sounds simple to Arthur but when the plan is in action his brain go brrr

-But after he gets over the crush stage and gets to know you very well, whether it be in the face of danger or chatting on horseback traveling, he realizes he's in love

-This makes him very confused because the poor boy knows nothing of romance.

-He's up late pacing like "oh dear god I'm in love with her. MERLIN IT FEELS WEIRD I DON'T LIKE IT MAKE IT STOP" (Poor Merlin lmao)

-You end up making the first move and his stupid little grin is so adorable when you, say, kiss him on the cheek

-He loves watching you participate in a hobby, and probably asks you to teach him if it's something he wasn't already taught as a child


A/n: I just noticed something. Bear with me making unnecessary connections between shows, but-

The one who's just a goofy kid but nobody expects to actually be smooth and charming: Merlin and Aang

The one who's got all the perks and you expect to be charming but is awkward: Arthur and Zuko

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