Dating Penelope Garcia includes...

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-Definitely a lot of cuddling and physical affection, especially after a long day

-Getting to spoil her and seeing the look of surprised joy on her face

-Her not being able to stand seeing you unhappy so she does everything in her power to make you feel better. She will sit with you and let you cry while she pats your back if it's a big deal, but if it's just something little that's got you down she will be ever so eager to lift your spirits

-Her chin on your shoulder at random intervals of the day and for no reason

-Having deep conversations about movies/TV shows and simping for the characters together

-A phenomenal level of encouragement and just positive vibes in general

-Play-fighting over her with Morgan obviously ("My baby girl." "No, my baby girl.")

-Having to carry wipes with you because she wears bright lipstick and also loves kissing your cheek. She probably pouts a little when you wipe it off

-Acting like immature children half the time and attempting to be responsible adults the other half of the time

-Being comfortable with just being in each other's presence rather than needing to do something fancy to be happy

-Pinky holding as opposed to hand holding because no sweaty palms and also adorable

-Her getting all emotional and surprised but also overwhelmingly happy when you propose

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