Personal character assessment (HP)

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A/N: So I will be assessing pretty much every somewhat relevant character. These are just my personal opinions of the characters. Enjoy. 

Harry Potter: I've said it before and I'll say it again: somehow he became the underrated character in his own series. He's absolutely hilarious in the Half-Blood Prince. Also HE WAS SUCH A CUTE LIL BABY IN THE FIRST TWO MOVIES AWW. Overall as a character, I really like him. 

Ron Weasley: I feel like his humor was captured perfectly but also skimmed over in the movies. He was iconic in the books, honestly. He was also such a cute lil baby first two movies (honestly they all were). He was kind of a little bitch in Goblet of Fire when he was mad at Harry but I can forgive that. 

Hermione Granger: I really do love her, she is a goddess, she just needs to take a chill pill sometimes. 

(Also, Emma Watson did a really good job playing her at such a young age, just the little details and behavior she incorporates are *chefs kiss*) 

I love the fact that she's all prim and proper but has her miniscule rebellious moments that she gets embarrassed about as soon as she's done *cough cough* bottom behavior *cough* ahem what?

Luna Lovegood: I aspire to be more like Luna, honestly. She's an   i c o n i c   q u e e n, and I don't even know what else I can say about her besides that. 

Draco Malfoy: He delivered some of the most iconic lines, and for that I am appreciative. I've already addressed canon Draco vs fanon Draco, so I won't talk about how the fans view him, this is purely my opinion. I feel that he deserved a better shot at life and that part of it was the fact that he had a shit childhood, but from age eleven and up he was completely disconnected with his family save for Lucius watching his Quidditch games and probably owls. This is a perfect opportunity for him to actually become his own person, a good person, and it just didn't happen.

(Also I don't get why he is portrayed as a dom, I'm sorry but I don't see it. I think he can be a dom, but probably because mostly the people (yes, people) who get into his pants are incompetent hoes. This man would absolutely crumble if he crossed paths with a true dom, just saying.)

Fred Weasley: This man is an   i c o n i c   k i n g   all the way through from start to finish. I love him so much. 

George Weasley: A literal god and   i c o n i c   k i n g. He deserved better, though. 

Neville Longbottom: This poor boy did absolutely nothing wrong and deserved the world and so much better. "At Hogwarts, help will always come to those who deserve it" my ass. Also the movies completely skipped over his relevancy to the prophecy of the Chosen One. 

Cedric Diggory: The fact that this man had like ten minutes of screen time and is so popular is kind of funny to me. (Yes I've said it before but it's hilarious ok) But I did really like him as a character and it would have been nice to have had more time with him. 

Tom Riddle: The fact that he turned into this *insert image of Voldemort* is funny. But as Tom Riddle, I liked him. Not a whole lot else to say except that he could have been a little smarter in the Chamber of Secrets. Like when Harry was being chased by the basilisk could he not have grabbed the diary so Harry couldn't destroy it as he had done similarly with his wand? 

Ginny Weasley: I feel like a huge chunk of her personality was taken away in the movies. (Not to say Bonnie Wright didn't do well, she did, I just feel like the producers didn't give enough time to appreciate the character). 

Also her relationship with Harry felt kind of random and r e a l l y   a w k w a r d. I know the movies tried to hint at it earlier on, but even in the books it didn't feel entirely natural. 

Arthur Weasley: He's a pretty lovable character in general. Not my absolute favorite, but I like him. 

Molly Weasley: This woman belongs in the Mothers' Hall of Fame. It warmed my heart seeing her doting on Harry all the time, and how protective she was of Ginny in movie eight. I have a mountain of respect for this lady. 

Percy Weasley: He was okay in the first few movies but after he joined the Ministry I hated him, and I still kind of haven't forgiven him. To be honest I forgot he existed for a while between books four and seven. 

Charlie Weasley: He wasn't in the movies so I don't know what to say in terms of his character in the movies, but he was pretty cool in the books. I don't hate him but I didn't get enough of him to really love him. 

Bill Weasley: Like other characters, he wasn't very frequent even in the books, but he wasn't terrible. I think him and Fleur were pretty cute together, and he isn't too bad looking, either.

The Dursleys: Honestly I feel like if I were angry I'd use them as my verbal punching bag because there's so much wrong with what they do and hypocrisy in their logic that I could point out and criticize them for. Still don't hate them as characters though.

Rubeus Hagrid: Sometimes I forget that this man has a first name lol. He's really lovable, and his little crush on Madame Maxime was really sweet. 

Severus Snape: Reading about baby Snape pining over Lily was really endearing to read and added a whole new level of character to him. He was kind of petty but as a character I like him.

Minerva McGonagall: An   i c o n i c   q u e e n. She did everything in her power to make sure Harry was protected and happy and could pursue whatever career path he chose. SHE BOUGHT HIM THE LATEST MODEL BROOMSTICK IN FIRST YEAR FOR GOD'S SAKE. HE COULD HAVE USED A SCHOOL ISSUED BROOM BUT SHE SAID 'NOPE ONLY THE BEST FOR MY PRETEND GRANDSON'. I stan her to the moon and back, I love her. 

Albus Dumbledore: Dumbledore was a whole mood  with his sweet tooth. I was pretty annoyed when I found out he was raising Harry to die though, that's kind of messed up. He did make a fabulous exit in the fifth movie though, love that for him. 

Dolores Umbridge: No. Just no. 

Gilderoy Lockhart: Honestly I've seen that a lot of people don't like him and I don't really know why. He was kind of funny to me. Not admirable, but I can appreciate him as a character.

Sirius Black: An absolute king. He deserved so much better. 

Remus Lupin: This man was arguably the best teacher at Hogwarts. (Snape, Hagrid, and McGonagall are the exception, but you get the point) I loved him. 

Nymphadora Tonks: I really liked her and wish we could have gotten more of her. Overall I loved her.

Viktor Krum: Not much to say about him, he's cool I guess. But I will say he had a bit of an unfair advantage as a champion seeing as he was already a Quidditch star. 

Fleur Delacour: She wasn't that relevant even being one of the champions and Bill's wife, but I didn't really have anything against her. I didn't really like how she was portrayed as weak though. (Also side note, neither Beauxbatons nor Durmstrang were classified as an all-girls or all-boys school in the books, just in the movies)

Lucius Malfoy: He was kind of pathetic (like father like son lmao) but at the end of the day I really enjoy him as a character. 

Narcissa Malfoy: Also belongs in the Mothers' Hall of Fame. Also she set trends for hair, if you look at her blond under black and then look at hair trends now she knew what was up, just ahead of her time :')

Dobby: I c o n i c   k i n g. Arguably more badass than any other character. 

Bellatrix Lestrange: I c o n i c   q u e e n. Not very good taste in Lords, but overall I adored her. 

Voldemort: He ended up being a little underwhelming both in the books and the movies, but my favorite look on him was when he looked like a newborn Gollum in Goblet of Fire. That was honestly my favorite thing about him, other than that I don't really know what to say. 

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