S p e n c e r

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Summary: Season one Spencer is a regular at a fast food restaurant and develops a crush on one of the employees because of their taste in music.

A/n: This one is really just self-indulgent, honestly. Feel free to pretend they're talking about whatever type of music you like.


Spencer's POV

Thursday evening, 10:52 pm. 

"Please let them still be open..." I muttered to myself, pulling into the parking lot of one of my favorite fast food restaurants- Good Burger. (A/n: I couldn't think of a fast food restaurant name ok-)

As luck would have it, the neon 'open' sign was still lit. Peering inside the windows of the place, I saw that there were still a few workers moving around, though no customers as it was so late.

As soon as I got inside, my ears picked up the sound of the music playing on the speakers. It was unusual, very different from the usual mainstream songs that I always hear on the radio here. It was a lively, swinging sound, and the singers had warm, Scottish accents. (A/n: The song I had in mind while writing this is Galway Girl by The High Kings. But feel free to imagine whatever kind of music you like, I just used this because it's a type of music I personally enjoy that isn't widely appreciated.)


"Hi, welcome to Good Burger!" The woman at the register called, voice a little too peppy for it being almost 11pm. 

"Hi, order for Spencer?"

"Sure! Just a second." The woman at the register turned towards the kitchens, skipping towards the table in the middle that had a single white paper bag. When I was looking into the back of the store, I noticed another person standing at one of the fryers, gently bobbing their head to the beat of the music as they worked. Their back was facing me, so all I could see was their white uniform button-up and the back of their head.

"Alright, here you go!" The peppy woman handed me the bag, pulling my attention away from her coworker. "Have a nice night!"

"Thanks." Rather slowly I made the walk towards the door, taking in the last few seconds of the tune before leaving.

Even as drove home, I couldn't help but wonder about the person I saw dancing along in the back of the place. It was obvious that it was them who put it on- nobody else was enjoying it quite as much. 

. . .

Two weeks later, Wednesday evening, 10:33 pm.

"Hi, welcome to Good Burger, what can I get for you?"

I was back again. Mainly because I felt like getting a burger tonight, but I couldn't deny that my hopes had been lifted a tiny bit when, over the sound of cooking food, I heard the same brand of music on the overhead.

"Will that be to go or for here?"

"For here." I replied, finishing my order and going to wait at one of the tables to complete the small stack of paperwork while I waited.

"For Spencer?"

"Yeah." I glanced up, noticing immediately that the person bringing my meal was the person who I had figured had put on the music. Their name tag read: Y/n. 

"Enjoy your meal. Let me know if you need anything else, okay?" 

I nodded, mentally cursing myself for letting them walk away without striking up a conversation.

If you find someone interesting, you're supposed to try talking to them. I scolded myself, biting into my burger. 

Still, I couldn't help chuckling lightly when I noticed Y/n nodding along and mouthing the lyrics to the song.

. . .

The next time I went to Good Burger, they weren't there. Maybe because it was a different day, but I couldn't help but be a little disappointed when I didn't see that familiar head of hair bopping around to the swing of the violin. 

"Welcome to Good Burger, what can I get started for you?" Asked the same peppy woman as before.

I may have been telling her my order, but my thoughts were somewhere else. Mainly wondering where the dancing person is. Instead of a lively band and cheerful choruses, a repetitive pop song that I'd heard a hundred times played overhead. 

"Alright, I'll have it ready for you shortly!"

"Thanks. Uh, hey, what happened to the music?"

"Oh, you mean the Scottish music? Yeah, Y/n usually plays that stuff, but they're out of town this week."


"Alright..." The woman looked at the receipt, "Spencer, here's your stuff. Have a nice evening."

"You too." 

. . .

But the fourth time I went, Y/n was at the register.

 Alright Spencer, you can do this. Just ask them about the music.

"Welcome to Good Burger, what can I get started for you?" Their voice, though laced with tiredness, was warm and inviting.

With a little more confidence, I placed my order. As they were typing it in, I cleared my throat, saying, "Interesting music choice."

"Oh, yeah, sorry." Y/n gave an apologetic smile, looking down.

"I didn't mean it like that! I like it. It's a nice change from the same old songs. You have good taste." Before they could ask, I added, "I noticed you usually dance along, so I figured you're the one who puts the music on."

Their eyes brightened at the comment. "That's the first. My coworkers usually tell me to put on something a little more mainstream for the customers."

I shrugged. "Well, I'm a customer, and I enjoy it."

Y/n grinned. "Thanks. Spencer, right?"

"How did you know my name?"

"You're one of the only people that ever comes here this late regularly." They commented. "Also, my coworker told me you asked for me last week."

I blushed, but didn't get a chance to explain before they said, "I'll get your order ready."

And five minutes later, they came back with a smile and a white paper bag.

"Thank you." I glanced at the clock. "Hey, what time do you get off work?"

"Not for another hour, sorry." Y/n handed me the receipt. 

"Oh. Well, I'll see you later then." I thanked her, taking the food and heading back to my car, the ring of the doorbell clanging to alert the restaurant of my absence.

It wasn't until I had finished my meal at home that I had noticed the note scribbled on the receipt in blue ink:


*insert phone number*

In case you ever want to talk about music again :)


A/n: I don't even know what the heck my writing has been lately, but I think this one is really cute. Hope you like it!

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