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A/N: Another request made by the lovely @JulzLovDraco4Eva, thank you! I hope this was made to your liking.

Summary: Y/n and the Marauders get in detention, and shit happens.



The peacefulness that had been floating around me had been shattered by a piece of paper being smacked on the back of my head. I didn't have to look up to know who had done it, I knew who it was: Sirius Orion Black.

"Y/n, dear, your presence is needed." His voice sounds beside me, a mischievous grin painting his features as he linked our arms and dragged me from the table at which I was doing homework. Out of the Great Hall I was half-dragged, through the halls and into a rather large broom cupboard. Squished inside the cupboard, however, were James, Remus, and Peter, all sitting on the ground or, in Remus' case, a bucket turned upside down.

"You know, if you did this to a stranger, they'd think you were dragging them into a cult."

"It is a cult, darling, you just don't realize it." James replied coolly. "Sit."

I did so, watching him as Sirius whipped out the piece of parchment he had smacked me with, unfolding it and laying it on the (dirty) ground.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good." He announced. When he did, ink seemed to bleed through the paper from the underside, forming lines and tiny moving footprints with various name tags following them. 

"Who's the poor victim today?" I sighed. It was all good fun, really, but babysitting these four got exhausting.

"Aw, cheer up! This was your idea." James smiled, turning behind him to pull out various instruments of chaos. That being a can of bright green paint, a small jar of rainbow glitter, and two broomsticks.

Immediately my mood was lifted. Partially because James Potter, my longtime crush was smiling at me. And no, I'm not too cowardly to tell him, I'm waiting for the right time- also they just never asked. 

 I rubbed my hands together and leaned forward to see the map clearly. "Who are we getting?"

"Snivellus, obviously." Peter grinned, pointing at the spot on the parchment where footsteps leading out towards the courtyard were being trailed by the name 'Severus Snape'.

"Who else needs a makeover that badly?" Sirius added. "You know, we should really start charging people for this."

"I can only imagine how much money you'll make." I snorted.

"How dare you challenge my style expertise." He scoffed, pretending to be highly insulted. "I don't know how you can even think to, looking at what you're wearing."

"...My school uniform?"

"Silence, dear. The only thing you need to know is that I am the most stylish man in the world and I am sharing that gift." Sirius puts a finger to my lips to shush me and his other hand patted my hair condescendingly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, Pads."

The snarky banter turned into excited plotting, heads together over the map. Once the plan had been decided, the five of us exited the broom cupboard single file, trying to hide our mischief tools in our robes.

"This is gonna be so good."

. . . 

"This is gonna be so boring." Peter groaned. 

"Wow, really? Because I was quite looking forward to this." James rolled his eyes, sitting down.

The five of us found ourselves sitting in desks in the Transfiguration classroom, a piece of parchment, an ink bottle, and a quill sitting atop each.

The prank itself had gone splendidly, with the intended outcome- which was Snape covered head to toe in green paint and glitter. He had immediately gone running to McGonagall of course, who landed us straight in detention doing lines saying, "I will not dump paint and glitter on unsuspecting students." It was worth it though. Even after he showered (which was a service to the school in and of itself, really, getting Snape to wash his hair) it still left a faint greenish tint on his face. Regulus had ended up giving us a scolding as well, talking about how we ought not do it again for the sake of the Black family name.

"I'm going to die." Sirius wailed, dragging his feet and bending his knees to look like he was barely able to walk. Falling to his knees and reaching towards the ceiling, he whispered, "Goodbye, cruel world," and collapsed.

James raised his hands and clapped enthusiastically. Once I, Remus, and Peter had joined in, Sirius smiled and stood, bowing dramatically, his long hair flapping with the movement. 

"Funny how Minnie hasn't noticed the obvious loopholes in the lines she has us write." Peter snickered. "'I will not dump paint and glitter on unsuspecting students', well, she never said we couldn't dump anything else on them."

"Well, excluding Swelling Solution."

"And shampoo."

"And Alihotsy Draught." 

(A/N: Alihotsy Draught is a potion used to cause the drinker to experience hysterical, uncontrollable laughter. I literally just looked up 'potions mentioned in harry potter' and found this. I don't know if it's actually in the books, but whatever.)

"Fair enough." He shrugged. 

"DOES NOBODY CARE THAT I'M DYING HERE?" Sirius asked incredulously.

Right on cue, Remus answered with a flat "no."

"I have to write lines, people! Minnie usually just lectures us, in which time I can daydream, but no! I have to do hard work." He whined.

"At least you didn't get slapped in the face." I grumbled. For the prank, James and I were on broomsticks carrying the paint while Remus, Sirius, and Peter surrounded Snape and threw glitter at him. James had suggested that I use my glitter tube and get his face, and in his freaked out frenzy, he clawed me right on the cheek. 

"Why'd you get down anyways?" Remus laughed. "The whole point of the brooms was to stay out of range."

"In my defense, James told me to." I replied calmly, leaning back on my chair.

"Yeah, because you always do what James says." Peter teases.

"Yeah, and why is that, Y/l/n?" Sirius pressed. At this point, all the Marauders were looking at you, including James. 

Well, here goes nothing.

You shrug. "Probably because I like him."

Like the drama-loving children they are, the three heads whipped around to see the object of attention, who was taking a second to comprehend my words. When he had finished, his face morphed into sly interest. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"You never asked."

He stood, sauntering over to me with his hands folded in front of him. "Well, you never asked, but I'm still going to tell you I feel the same way."

My face (almost) entirely denied it, but my entire being was exploding. My mind racing a million miles an hour and my heart beating just as fast as though trying to keep up. I couldn't stop a huge grin spreading on my face as he sat on the desk in front of me. For the first time since I'd met him, he looked shy, barely able to make eye contact because he was distracted by my too-close-to-not-stare-at-them lips.

Noticing his little internal struggle, I helped him out by grabbing his tie and gently tugging it so he was pulled towards me, at which point our lips met and "OH MY GOD"s could be heard echoing off the classroom walls. As I felt James smile into the kiss, I could hear a table being flipped over somewhere- but I didn't really care. Nothing could ruin this moment.

Or, so I thought. 


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