Remus Lupin alphabet

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A- Affection (Do they show affection often? How so?)

He's a little shy but he finds ways to show his affection. He's not overwhelming with his love, so it's more meaningful. He'll give you little cheek kisses or point out something you could add to an essay.

B- Bad Habit (Something you chastise them for constantly?)

Hiding his scars. He wears long sleeves a lot and usually has sweater paws. He lets his hair grow long, covering forehead, and he hangs his head low. You roll up his sleeves a lot so that you can see his hands, kissing his knuckles.

C- Care (Their love language? Who takes care of who?)

His love language is gifts. He'll give you little things like origami animals and cookies. You take care of him.

D- Dancing (Do they dance with you? How and where?)

He's not much for dancing, so he kinds of just has his arms around your waist and you sway around.

E- Extra (Any headcanon)

He knows how to braid your hair and will do it to help you fall asleep.

F- Fortunate (Do they appreciate you? How do they show it?)

He appreciates you a whole fucking lot and he needs you to know it. In the Shrieking Shack he'll always nuzzle up to you and mutter 'thank you' a lot.

G- Gorgeous (Their favorite physical feature on you?)

Your hands. They're always so gentle and when they touch his face he gets tingles.

H- Happy (Something about you that always cheers you up?)

The sound of you saying his name. He feels special when you do.

I- Insecure (What would make them insecure?)

His furry little problem, obviously. Even when you know, he's still subconsciously trying to hide it from you.

J- Jealous (What would make them jealous/how do they react to you being jealous?)

He's surprised when you're jealous because he doesn't think there's anyone to be jealous of. I don't think he would get that jealous but he'd stay a little closer to you when he notices someone trying to get a little closer to you.

K- Keep (Something of yours he likes to hold onto/something of his you like to hold onto?)

You both carry around a polaroid of the two of you.

L- Love (Do they say 'I love you' first/how?)

He says it when he's really tired, so he doesn't freak out like he would if he were fully conscious. When you say it back, he just nods and smiles softly.

M- My love (Nicknames?)

He likes saying your name before anything else, but he calls you ' my love' sometimes.

N- Needy (Do they need you? Do they ask for attention?)

He really wants attention but doesn't ask for it because he doesn't want to be too clingy and chase you off, but you've learned to notice when he wants love and give it to him.

O- Often (Something that they never forget to do to/with/for you?)

He never forgets to ask you how you're doing.

P- PDA (How like are they to show affection in public, and what are their limits?)

He's very respectful and never does anything unexpected- mostly because he gets embarrassed. He'll kiss your cheek and then turn away blushing, poor boy.

Q- Questions (What do they ask you often, or what is something they ask you that catches you by surprise?)

Like I said, he asks you about how you're feeling a lot.

R- Reading (Do they read to you/you to them? What book and how do you do it?)

He loves to read to you. He'll read to you to make something menial, like fixing a button on a cardigan, more interesting.

S- Simp (How bad have they got it for you?)

10/10 simp, but he does it internally.

T- Tired (How do they act when they're/you're tired? How do you treat each other?)

His worst habit, he just doesn't tell you. When you're suspicious, he tells you, because it's better for you to know and be sympathetic than to not know and worry all day. When you're tired, he makes you drink some water and slow down.

U- Understanding (What do you two have that just goes without saying/when are you two most in sync?)

After he transitions back during the full moon is when you're one person. You have this unspoken communication and know what to do.

V- Vacation (Where do they take you, what do you do?)

He takes you to a cottage out in the country where you two spend a week being lazy and enjoying the fresh air.

W- Why (When asked why they love you, what do they say?)

"Because they're understanding and they love me for who I am. How can you not love someone who does that for you?"

X- Text (How do they text?)

He texts in complete sentences with proper grammar and probably scolds you for not doing so.

Y- You (Your favorite thing about them?)

His strength. His ability to act like his struggles mean nothing and that they're all in a day's work astonish you and make you so proud of him.

Z- ZZZ (Sleeping? Cuddles?)

He loves when you massage his scalp while he falls asleep, and he holds you very gently.

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