G e o r g e

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Summary: George plays a prank on you and accidentally triggers your PTSD. 

Backstory and other information: (for the purpose of explaining Y/n's PTSD)

Y/n is Alastor Moody's first and only child, the mother is unknown and died during childbirth. Due to his inability to properly care for his child what with being an Auror, Y/n was sent to live with Muggle family. Over the summer in between Y/n's sixth and seventh year (Y/n is a year ahead of the Golden Trio), Bellatrix Lestrange is sent to assassinate Y/n and their Muggle family, and in the process the house and Y/n's only real family (other than Alastor) are blown up. Y/n is saved by their father but is left with a fear of loud banging noises. The reason George doesn't already know about this is because Y/n never told him and he's never been around when it's been triggered. 

This is placed in the summer after Book 6, since it is after Bellatrix Lestrange escaped Azkaban (she escapes Book 5). Y/n has just graduated from Hogwarts this last year, currently staying at the Burrow. 

I will be using they/them pronouns for this. I've tried to write without using any pronouns whatsoever but that really hinders the writing process so I'm using they/them to still keep it for everyone.

By the way, I do not know firsthand what this is like. I did do some research on PTSD and what it's like to have it triggered, but that's just research and doesn't compare to the real thing. If there is anything I am portraying incorrectly, please let me know- I want to do better.


Thump thump thump thump.

The sound of your own footsteps coming down the stairs was muffled to you, as your mind was completely lost in the music playing in the single earbud in your ear. You liked to listen to music this way so that you can hear what is going on and be aware of your surroundings while listening- a habit that thoroughly annoyed Hermione. Your fingers tapped the railing as you ascended- another habit of yours to use every available surface as a drum.

Here at the Burrow, it was a little bit quiet. You'd been here on countless occasions, and you knew that even when the ten or so other guests weren't here, it was always a bit crowded what with a large family anyways. Now, however, there were almost no people waiting at your destination, for which you were thankful. You finally made it into the kitchen to find something to munch on before returning to your summer homework.

But the calm before the storm had to come to an end, unfortunately.


And it all came back. 

The memories had all come back to the forefront of my mind faster than lighting and ten times heavier than the largest building in the world.

A singular, short BANG!! filled my ears from somewhere close behind me. The sound itself commanded attention, and it seemed to shoot through my ear canals and cover my brain in a surprise similar to sudden cold water enveloping your skin. It caused me to scream and jump in the opposite direction, my heart racing as my eyes clenched shut, but when I opened them a second wave of panic made me shake. 

I was no longer in the Burrow.

I was instead on a broomstick, rising, rising, rising. I was wailing and screaming, almost against my will- and then was silenced by a hurried voice I recognized as my father. Nasty, shrill laughter seemed to follow us, as I frantically watched a house many many feet below us. A deafening, familiar BANG!! made my face turn the other way, burying it into the coarse material of Father's jacket. Almost as quickly, I turned my head to see it again. The entire house was in flames. Large chunks of the ceiling and walls were missing from the building, and bits and pieces of debris were falling from midair onto the lawn. 

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