Dating Cedric Diggory includes...

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-Like Neville, he would have an astronomical amount of respect for your personal space

-Passing notes in class so often to the point where you two are experts (you do get caught once in a blue moon. Professors McGonagall or Moody would probably read the note aloud to the class. During which he would lay his head on the desk and wrap his arms over it in embarrassment but he'd still have a giant grin on his face)

-Little kisses that both of you can barely do because you're smiling so widely

-Him kissing any features on you that you might not like (i.e. freckles, dimples, forehead) because he loves them enough for both of you

-When confronted, he sits back for a minute to see if you can handle it yourself first. He doesn't want to embarrass you or make you look weak

-He would 10000% give you his Hufflepuff scarf and tie it around your neck to make sure you were warm

-He would also 10000% grab your hand to make you play with his hair every chance he has, especially if he's sitting and you're standing behind him so you can kind of hug him too

A/N: The fact that Cedric effing Diggory appears in only one movie and is this popular amongst us Potterheads kind of blows my mind. Then again, they did manage to capture the general vibe of his character pretty well for such a short time, which is impressive.

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