When someone is flirting with you (HP)

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Harry: He'd sit there and pretend he didn't notice anything. He wasn't one to make a scene unless there was an obvious mistreatment, in which case he would. He might do little things to make sure you knew he was there if he sensed you were uncomfortable. 

Ron: He'd hold himself back, but whenever the person does something that makes you visibly uncomfortable and doesn't stop, he'd storm over and tell the person to leave you alone (he wouldn't shy away from a fist fight if it came to it).

Hermione: She'd pretend not to notice for a while, but once the person had done enough or something out of line she'd straight up kiss you full on the mouth. Not even she would expect it from herself.

Luna: She doesn't worry about it that much. She understands you would never cheat on her. She does get a little irritated, but she doesn't react- she's above that. 

Draco: He'd seem like the guy to get mad and drag you away, but he wouldn't. Instead, he'd make a game out of it. He'd pretend to be competing with the other person for your affections, flirting as if he didn't already have you. It somewhat resembled old couples acting like high school sweethearts. 

Neville: He wouldn't do anything too bold, but he'd probably call you a pet name to signal to the person that you were taken without actually acknowledging them. 

Cedric: He would probably walk up to you and do obvious couple things (i.e. hug you from behind and stay there, call you sweetheart, etc.) He'd pretend not to notice the other person's flirting but he'd let it be known it was in vain. 

Tom: He trusts you enough to not approach the person or say anything, but he'd keep an eye on them and give them a look. 

James: The last thing he would do is get angry. He'd sling an arm around your shoulders and call you some pet name, but still smile and greet whoever is flirting with you.

Remus: He'd go on acting the same as usual, but try to give tiny subtle hints. He really doesn't want to seem passive aggressive so the hints are probably so subtle that they don't register.

Sirius: Not that he'd do something totally outrageous, but he would leave hints that weren't entirely subtle, like giving you little kisses on the forehead while looking at the person who was flirting.

Peter: He'd be a little more clingy than usual and talk to you a bit more than he would the other people part of the conversation. 

Regulus: He'd leave one hint and hope that would be enough, like call you darling or sweetheart. He didn't want to overdo it and he respected you enough to not want to embarrass you or make you feel controlled. 

A/N: I've just realized that there is a limit to how many chapters I can put into one book (which is 200). If I do run out of chapters I'll just make another book with generally the same content.

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