Dating Remus Lupin includes...

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-Always reassuring him of your affections, and in return he's always grateful for you and makes sure you know

-Him being a literal baby he's so cute

-C U D D L E S

-Like James, Sirius whines about you stealing his man

-Taking turns being the little spoon

-Cute little room of requirement dates where you do cute couple stuff that he isn't ashamed of at all (probably a lot of reading dates)

-Criticizing movie characters' choices together and laughing about it


-Him being shy about physical contact in public so whenever he wants to hold hands he nudges your hand with his pinky and gives you doe eyes first

-Absolutely no body shaming ever. No matter how tall you are, how much you weigh, your skin color, whatever, he just loves you regardless

-Him poking your arm for attention

-Absolutely an angel, whether he's in a baby boy mood or a mature and gentlemanly mood, he is always respectful and kind towards you

-You eventually becoming an Animagus (what you are and what you are called is up to you) because you want to be able to help him too

-But even after that the best thing you do to help him is comfort him after transition

-Study dates where you don't even really talk, you just enjoy each other's presence comfortably

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