Dating Robin Scherbatsky includes...

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-Since she's kind of the 'it' girl, the heather if you will, you don't want to admit you like her at first

-You try your damn hardest to push the thought to the back of your mind but when you find out she's crushing on you too you forget about it

-Lily for sure knows which means Marshall knows as well duh. When she likes you she'll pretend it isn't happening but low-key anytime you hug her she's internally thinking "OH GOD THEY HUGGED ME"

-She's bold so she probably makes a move on you but there's a vulnerability that comes after taking that risk and since it isn't her strong suit she tries to cover it up with a joke but then you kiss her

-That cheeky little smile

-Of the two of you she's usually the caretaker and the more mature

-She teases you a lot. Definitely.

-When she's on the show that airs at 5am she usually bumps into you in the early morning when she's getting ready and you have a late night working and you damn know she's going to make you go to bed

-She isn't a mushy cutesy person by nature but she is definitely the cliche steal-your t-shirt-and-sleep-in-it girlfriend

-She snores a bit fair warning

-Takeout on the couch binge watching a show and falling asleep to it. Lazy nights just have a different feel with her

-Everything she's excited about she wants to share with you


A/n: Okay but Robin. Can we all agree ROBIN

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