Dating Korra includes...

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-Braiding her hair a lot, and when it's short you do smaller braids and also put flowers in it

-Her dad liking you within the first ten minutes of talking

-I feel like she just has the coziest bed ever. A giant heavy comforter with soft furs and a bunch of pillows and maybe a canopy too so you feel very safe and at home when you're sleeping with her

-She's a human heater. Girl's from the South Pole but she's a Firebender and a Firebender at heart

-Watching her rant about something Tenzin or the President said and get really heated about it until she runs out of energy and falls onto the bed

-Taking advantage of quiet and calm moments whenever possible. You two would much rather spend time out in nature rather than an amusement park

-Whenever friendly, mellow spirits come up to her when you're around they ask her who you are she says 'oh, that's y/n, my girlfriend/boyfriend/preferred', and you both get that little smile and look at each other

-Her wanting to introduce you to new foods but being a terrible cook so she just orders takeout from a water tribe restaurant


A/N: I know among the Avatar fanbase that the Legend of Korra is somewhat controversial, but I can appreciate it so I made these for others who do as well.

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