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Summary: Ever since Kai merged with Luke and started feeling emotions, he began to cling to you more. In which time, you develop silent feelings for him. What you don't know is that he feels the same way, he just doesn't know it. Finally, Kai realizes he loves you. (Could be pt.2 to the first Kai short imagine, up to you.)

Also I made Kai really shy and baby boy-ish, so I'm sorry if this doesn't feel accurate.


Complete and utter peace.

This is what surrounded you while you sat curled up on your couch with the book you were currently reading. 

That is, until it was ruined by the goddamned Kai Parker.


"Yeah?" I didn't look up.

He seemed a little annoyed by my lack of interest in his words, snatching my book and setting it aside. He was courteous enough to place my bookmark in its intended spot beforehand though. "I've been thinking-"

"Wow, really?"

For the first time since you met him, your joke did not seem to register. He still maintained a serious expression."-yes. And I realized how you always seem to be there when I experience an emotion for the first time." He said the last few words with a slight distaste.

This was an interesting topic. "Now that you mention it, yeah. There was the first time you cried, with the paper, then the first time you got really angry at the jar that wouldn't open..." You began to count the instances on your finger.

"What about first time I fell in love?"

You stopped and turned to look at him, frowning. "I don't remember that."

"It just happened."

Something sunk inside of you when he said it, but since love is new to him, you tried to make it seem like you were excited. "That's great. How do you feel?"

"Weird. It's a giddy feeling, but it also makes me really anxious. I'm not sure if I like it."

You smiled faintly. His interpretation of emotions always made your heart melt. "Well, love is usually less anxious when the person loves you back."

"That makes sense. I really wanna talk about it but I'm scared that the person doesn't like me back."

"Why don't you tell them then?" God, it hurt to say this. You want him to be happy, but a tiny part of you wanted him to just be happy with you. 

"Because if they don't like me back I'll be all alone." He pouted, looking down at his hands. 

For a minute you didn't understand- until it hit you. For weeks now, he'd been telling you that you were the only friend he really had. You didn't think anything of it, as you were more disappointed in being friend-zoned. Did he mean you? His behavior does nothing but support the theory. 

"Hey, that's not true." You adjusted your seating so that you were sitting directly in front of him, legs crossed on the couch. "No matter what happens, you'll always have me." While the words were entirely true, you wanted to test your idea by encouraging him.

He looks up. "Promise?"

"I promise."

"Okay." He took in a deep breath, like he was preparing for something, or working up the confidence to do it. He suddenly leaned forward, kissed your cheek, and scampered away.

You watched in surprise as he rounded the corner into the hall and out of sight. He just kissed me. Regaining yourself, you went to find him. 

He was standing in the hall, leaning against the wall and staring at the one opposite him. He was furiously biting his lip, as though in nervous thought. He didn't notice your presence until you were right in front of him, at which time he managed a, "Y/n, I'm sorry, I really should have asked, I-"

But his words ran dry when you kissed him on the cheek shortly, staring at him with a small smile. 

"I love you too, idiot."


A/N: I honestly don't know what this is but like... it's cute so I like it. 

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