Dating Sirius Black includes...

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-The most dramatic mf on the planet when you won't give him physical affection

-The most dramatic mf on the planet in general

-Him imitating you a lot

-Always having minor things available to you. I just feel like he always has a hairband or lip balm in his pocket


-Cute pet names

-Him always calling you beautiful/handsome/gorgeous

-When you're crying he kisses your tears away

-Him turning into a dog whenever someone comes into the common room to hide the fact that he snuck up there to hang out with you so everyone thinks you have a dog. Someone reported you to McGonagall once because "dogs aren't allowed, only owls, cats, and toads" but Minnie low-key knows it's Sirius and won't do anything about it. 

-Him giving you that look when you pull on or adjust his tie

-Having to share him with the Marauders because he loves them too (but he always makes time for you don't worry)

-p o s s e s s i v e (and the Marauders making fun of him for it, like they'll come up to you and pretend to flirt with you but it's mostly really bad pick up lines)

-Kisses all over your face to wake you up

-You having to drag his ass out of bed because he's super lazy 

-Him being very determined to make you smile/laugh when you're feeling down

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