Most likely to...(HP)

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Spike the punch at the Yule Ball: You'd think it would be Fred and George (and they were indeed the prime suspects) but Alastor Moody was probably the one who actually did it.

Do something super embarrassing because the punch was spiked: Viktor Krum. He'd get on top of a table and proclaim his love for Ron while holding a glass up in a toast. He would then proceed to sing to him a romantic eleven-minute Bulgarian ballad (he's actually quite the soprano). Ron loved every minute of it and watched with admiring fascination.

Secretly be a major K-Pop stan (I know the the timeline for the genre's popularity doesn't match up with that of the story just pretend it does):  Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore 100% would be a K-Pop stan. He knows all the dances as well and performs them fabulously. He has a bookcase of albums under his desk. Snape left it there when he took office. Whether it was out of respect or because he wanted them for himself, the world will never know.

Be the leader of an LGBTQ+ support group: Luna Lovegood. She wants to make people feel understood and important. She's also a tad bit fruity herself. 

Sneak junk food from the Great Hall into the dormitories and hand it out to the first years for trick-or-treating: Hermione Granger. As a Muggle-born, she understands feeling foreign in the Wizarding World, so she'd let the younger Muggle-borns get a little taste of home and show those raised in magical homes a fun new tradition. 

Pass out blowing bubbles too vigorously: Gilderoy Lockhart. It definitely wouldn't be in front of anyone else, just in his own quarters. Blowing bubbles are his guilty pleasure.

Accidentally get married to a stranger online thinking it was a joke: Draco Malfoy. He has a habit of biting off more than he can chew because he doesn't take it seriously. His father did indeed hear about this.

Schedule a meeting with the Minister of Magic to personally call him a pussy: Sirius Orion Black 10000000% would do this. 

Have a dakimakura: Severus Snape. The Marauders know he has it, possibly because they made it for him. Whose picture is on it? It's a mystery. 

Send you a Howler to say something that doesn't need to be howled (i.e. 'what do you want for lunch?', 'I love you', 'you forgot your keys', etc.): Ginny Weasley. She has no problem being loud with her affection, and as for other things, she loves embarrassing you. 

A/N: These aren't even serious I'm just having fun with it lol. 

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