Chapter 82 - Winter Wind

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Snow slowly falling from the pale grey sky. Clouds gather into one, forming a dark thick cloud that it blot out the sunlight. Although it's high noon, every single part of Japan looked like night time.

In a certain mountain range, exist an inn and hot spring right in the middle of wilderness. There is only one pathway that connect this place to civilization. If one is not careful and choose to stray off from the pathway, then it's guaranteed that person will get lost in less than a minute due to how thick the vegetation is.

Behind the inn, two man is soaking in the hot spring, one old, and one young. The old man has a bald head and cheery looking smile. While the other man beside him looks like someone in his mid-thirties or forties. Unlike the bald old man, this middle-aged man has a cold air around him, making him unapproachable.

"Mm~, this is the best am I right, Sei-chi?"

The old man said with a grin.

The middle-aged man glare at him menacingly.

"...What are we doing here...?"

The two of them are Reimei and man called Banzan.

Foggy steam from the hot spring water soar into the air before it disappear completely.

"What? Vacation of course. We have been working really hard lately and everyone deserve a reward. What do you think about this place? It was recommended by Trivago. I also got a discount coupon for their lunch service."

Banzan look at Reimei dumbfoundedly.

"Trivago... Are you taking this seriously? I waste my time so I can accompany and help you because I thought you will finish whatever you are doing quickly. But you are wasting my kindness like this?"

"Kindness? You owe me one, so you have no right to reject. Or the heaven will send down the punishment for you, hahaha."


"Now, now, don't be so mad. Just enjoy this beautiful scenery. Taking a hot bath in the middle of winter feels really nice ain't it?"


"Don't be like that. If I can, I already finish this work long time ago."

Reimei point his finger toward the sky above.

"But I can't be hasty you see. If I speed up then those who is watching from up there will surely noticed my movement. It's better to take it slowly, but surely~. The young boy also told me so."

"The boy? ...Ah... him."

Knowing who the person Reimei is talking about, Banzan went into deep thinking.

"That's right, him. His plan is really profound you see, I can't even read what his next move going to be."

"Hmph, undermining yourself so suddenly? Did you got possessed by ghost or something?"

"You give me too much credit. Even like this, I'm just a puppet and pawn in the chess board."

"Don't you mean you willingly become one."

"Ohhh~, you really know me well. As expected from Sei-chi. That's right! I'm really interested you know... in seeing what lies ahead, what the heaven hold for us. Is it black, or is it white... or maybe... gray? Fufufu... hahaha... I can't wait. Ahhh~, I'm so excited~."

Reimei laugh hold a cold and cruel tone behind it, his smile also look ruthless.

With the corner of his eyes, Banzan gave Reimei an indifferent stare.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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