Chapter 11 - Trouble

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After a few minutes, they reach the shopping district. They walk past a small pet shop, and Kyojurou hurriedly grab Naoto clothes. Naoto feel his body got pulled back, he turn around in displease.


"Wait, Nao!"

"Like I said, what? And don't call me Nao, we are not friend or anything."

"I haven't buy anything for Kurogane yet, it will be bad if he didn't have anything at home."

Naoto look at the small pet shop beside him.

"Come to think of it, I also haven't buy anything for Shiro yet... Okay, let's go in."

Both of them entered the pet shop, their eyes shine in happiness. There is a lot of things they haven't seen before.

"Look! Look! There are so many toys!"

"Mm! Mm! Which one should I buy? Oh wait, let's put Kurogane and Shiro here first."

There is a small playing area for cats near the entrance so the customer can shop without worrying about their pets wander around. After putting their kittens in the small playing area, they began to look around curiously.

As Naoto looks around interestly, he feels shocked to see Kyojurou start putting a lot of things inside the shopping basket. Naoto quickly smacks his head.


Kyojurou rubs his head in pain.

"Ahaha! That hurts! What are you doing so suddenly??"

"That should be my question! All of these things are pretty expensive! How much money do you have!?"

Kyojurou open his wallet and show it to Naoto. Naoto took a peek inside the Kyojurou wallet, and his face becomes cloudy. He pulls both of Kyojurou cheeks angrily.

"You idiot, you don't have that much money and you dare to put all of these things in the basket? How do you want to pay all of it? Do you want to sell your kidney?"

"Ahahaha! Sorry! I totally forgot about it!"

"Don't forget about it! It's a common-sense!"

Naoto sighed, for some reason he feels very tired.

"Just buy important things, for now, one set of bowl, bag of food, one cheap bed, and sandbox is enough... you can buy more the next time you come here with your parents, of course, that's is if they allow it. We don't have enough money after all."

"Hm! Hm! You are right! Please help me choose things that can be covered with my budget."


With that, Naoto help Kyojurou choose a cheaper necessity for the kittens before choosing the one for his own. He never owns a cat before but he read a book about it before, so more or less he already know what to get. Luckily, Kyojurou and Naoto have plenty of money to buy important things because they rarely use their allowance.

After putting everything important in their basket, they went to the cashier and put the shopping basket on the counter. The cashier looks at both cute little boy in front of her.

"My~, both of you just get a cat?"

With a single glance, the shopkeeper already know that these two boy just get a cat because everything they buy is a basic necessities for cats.

Kyojurou nodded and smile brightly.


"Do you want to put all of it in one bag or separates?"

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