Chapter 63 - Summer Break Plan

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Month by month passed.

Sounds of cicada under the cool shade of tree sounded everywhere, signing it's summer season has arrived. In kimetsu academy, many students are having club activities under the scorching hot sun.

Luckily, unlike the sports club, cultural club can stay inside the school building to do their activities. Inside the flower arrangement club room, Mitsuri lay her head down on the table and start to complain like a spoiled child.


Kanae glanced at Mitsuri and smiled gently.

"What's wrong?"

"Hear this!! Uzui-senpai blow up the entire room again! And yesterday the student council president come, they said they will cut our budget if it happen again! Isn't that too cruel!? It's Uzui-senpai fault in the first place! Now we can't waste any more paint for training!"

"There~, there~."


She continues to whine as Kanae pat her head.

Near the window, Naoto is reading a small book with his leg resting on an empty chair. The window is opened to let a fresh air in, even though they are inside the building, it doesn't mean it's cool.

The club room didn't have any air conditioning or fan, which make it hot like an oven. So they need to rely on a natural breeze and small electric fan Kanae buy using the club fund.

With a sweaty face, Naoto say to Mitsuri.

"You are noisy... it's already this goddamn hot so shut your trap Kanroji..."

Mitsuri pouted and hugged Kanae.

"Kanae senpai! Karasuma-senpai is being mean to me, he's bullying me!"

"Oh my, oh my~."

"Besides what are you doing here senpai? Shouldn't you go back to the archery dojo?"

"Noisy... there is no way I want to go there... there are two nagging person... and it's hot... like super hot...  AC... I want to install AC in here..."

"You know we can't do that, we didn't have enough funds."

"Dammit... should I extort that student council president? He looks more feeble than Iguro so it should be easy... ku... kukukukukuku..."

"That's a crime, senpai. Also, you are sweating like crazy right now."

As Mitsuri said, sweat keep flowing from Naoto face like a river. Kanae chuckled softly and say to Mitsuri.

"Don't worry, he's always like that in the summer. Nao can't stand even slightest hot temperature."

"Uwahhh... so weak."

"Shut it..."

"How did he survive up until now then? Can he even eat hot food?"

The other club members who are in the middle of cutting a flower stem using a scissors answered with a smile.

"Nothing, senpai just keep complaining until it feels cold."

"Yes, just let him complain until he feel tired, we already got used to it."

"He can eat hot food just fine, in fact, all he drink in the club room is hot green tea like an old man."

"Mm, mm, don't forget rice crackers, just like an old man."

Naoto glanced at the club members who are talking about him.

"What is this? You guys are bullying me? Also, don't call me old man."

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